Part LXXIII: Someone's Coming

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LXIII: Liam and Blake


"C'mon dude, you can do it!"

"I'm doing it."

"Just two more!"


Liam grunted, letting himself fall back onto the mat, chest heaving as he sucked in desperate breaths of air. He closed his eyes for a moment, then wiped an arm across his sweaty brow and looked up at Blake. She grinned down at him.

"You're evil," he said, laying back on the mat, eyes closed, "Working out with you was a mistake."

She stuck her tongue out, "Baby. You'll thank me later. Now get up—my turn."

Liam took a few deep breaths, then reached up and gripped the bar, pulling himself upright with tired arms. He did enjoy how Blake stole a few glances at his arms as he did so, however. Once he was clear, she sat down on the mat, then laid down and situated herself before gripping the bar and starting her exercise.

Liam watched her movements as he recovered from what she'd put him through. Despite his complaints, he was glad he'd come to the gym with Blake. She was..."impressive" didn't seem enough to describe her. More than once, Liam had found himself a bit envious of her discipline and level of fitness.

When Blake had told him that she really needed to go to the gym today—due to Thanksgiving food, her lack of attendance since break started, and skipping her morning workout—she'd told Liam he shouldn't feel pressured to come with her. He'd jumped at the opportunity, of course. Sex was great, but he wanted more than that from Blake. And he had a bit of a thing for muscles on girls and seeing them work out.

Blake's pale skin grew a bit red, face flushed, as she knocked out rep after rep of her inverted rows. Liam wished she would have worn a tank top or sports bra or something that showed off her arms and back. She was wearing one. It was just hidden under her zipped-up dark grey hoodie. Liam didn't blame her for that, given her desire to avoid attention and recognition, though he didn't see how she hadn't managed to burst into flames with the hoodie and a beanie concealing her blue hair. He usually wore as little clothing as possible when working out. He'd worn sweatpants just due to the cold outside, but for a shirt he'd just worn an old tank top that covered him just enough to be decent and keep barbell squats from being uncomfortable against his back.

Those white yoga pants look really good, though.

That was one thing that had confused Liam. The color itself was pretty eye-catching, especially on her, and the stitching and vents put in drew the eye even more. Solid black yoga pants would have worked better for blending in, especially with her choice in hoodie. He didn't say anything, though. The white looked really good.

With a final grunt, then puff of air, Blake let herself fall to the mat, taking a moment to rest as Liam had.

Her face was flushed and sweat shone just below the edge of her beanie.

She's so beautiful.

"We finally done?" Liam asked, hopeful. He was tired--though in a good way--and could already feel how sore he would be for the next two days.

Blake opened one eye and grinned at him, still drawing heavy breaths.

"Almost. Just gotta cool down with some stretching."

Liam rolled his eyes, but stood up, then extended a hand to help Blake to her feet. She took it, smiling.

"Back upstairs by the track?" he asked.

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