Part XLVIII: Would That Scare Him?

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XLVII: Blake

"Even having your cum in my pussy," Blake moaned, massaging her poor pussy. It still wanted more, wanted Liam's cock, but she needed to give it a little break. She couldn't keep herself from touching it, though. That would be far too mean, "and my mouth—it's not enough."

She threw her head back, gasping as she slipped her fingers back into her pussy.

How am I still this fucking wet?

"I want you to watch me while—ah—while I finger myself," Blake breathed, meeting Liam's gaze again, "With your cum down my throat and in my pussy."

Liam held her gaze, lips parted slightly, and Blake let herself smile, letting her free hand travel up to caress her chest and play with her nipples. As much as she loved being at Liam's mercy, she loved that she could exert the same power over him, leaving him spellbound, helpless to do anything but watch her pleasure herself.

As Blake worked her fingers in her pussy, massaging her clit with her thumb while she curled her fingers against her upper wall, her pleasure grew, quickly outweighing any soreness in her pussy. She knew it would return with a vengeance later, but Blake didn't care.

If my pussy hurts later, I'll just ask Liam to kiss it better.

Blake's mind grew hazy once more as her pleasure rose, eyes fixated on Liam's cock. She made that the center of her attention, watching as it started to rise once more, growing larger.

"Oh fuck," Blake gasped as Liam hissed, his cock twitching as it reached its full size once more.

"Put your cock back inside me," she pleaded, moving back on the bed, "Fuck fingering myself. I need you back inside me."

Liam lunged onto the bed, looming over her on hands and knees for a moment before capturing her lips. Blake moaned into his mouth, hands going to his head, threading through his short hair as she returned the fevered kiss. He pulled her to him, and Blake gasped as Liam was suddenly inside her once more.

"Oh fuck," she cried, sucking in ragged breaths of air as she clung to him, not wanting to be without that wonderful cock inside her, "Fuck, it's so hard again already."

Liam nipped at her earlobe, causing Blake to shudder. Then her breath caught as he pulled out halfway before thrusting back into her, hard.

"Oh fuck, that's so good," Blake whimpered throwing back her head as he fucked her. Liam's lips found her throat, her jaw, her shoulder, leaving a trail of fire as he branded every inch of her pale skin with his lips.

"Oh god," Blake breathed, writhing under Liam as he fucked her senseless. She loved it. As he continued to fuck her, however, Blake did start to feel a bit of soreness mix in with the pleasure. Then she had an idea.

"Liam," she gasped, "Oh god. Fuck. Fuck, that's so good. I wish I had your tongue on my clit while you fucked me. Oh fuck, stop. Stop."

Liam didn't stop but slowed his thrusts to an agonizing pace as he met her gaze, raising an eyebrow.

"I want to ride your face," Blake breathed, "I want to grind my hips against your mouth."

Liam grinned, and backed up. Blake gasped, squeezing her eyes shut when his cock slipped free of her slick walls. For a moment she wanted to yell at him, to demand that he put his perfect cock back inside of her and fuck her until he couldn't fuck anymore, and not to listen to a single word that came out of her mouth.

But Blake knew she would be far too sore for anything in the near future if she did that. And fuck, she loved Liam's tongue on her—

"Ohhh fuck!" Blake moaned as Liam pressed his lips into her pussy, followed shortly by his wonderful, skillful tongue.

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