Part LIII: Go Cuddle Lt. Dan

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LIII: Liam and Blake

Fuck, I want him so bad.


Liam's hand gripped his cock as he watched Blake ride out the throes of her orgasm.

Fuck...and I thought the last two were intense.

Per Blake's text, Liam had finally wrapped his hand around his cock a short while after Blake's last orgasm. His cock was so slick with precum that it felt more like someone was giving him a hand job than like masturbating. He'd been getting close but had stopped as Blake had started cumming.

Spellbound, he watched as Blake lay back against her pillows, chest rising and falling heavily as tremors coursed through her at random intervals. Blake's eyes fluttered as soft whispers and gasps passed through her parted lips. Her entire body seemed to glisten under a thin sheen of sweat.

"Fuck," Blake breathed, abs tightening again as her fingers clawed at the sheets. Her eyes were far off as she raked her fingers through her hair. Her other hand still worked her pussy, though slower now. Liam wondered what she was thinking about.

"Wow," Blake said, straightening. Her eyes didn't look entirely focused and her face was flushed, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she shook herself, "That was...intense, dudes."

Fuck, Liam thought, a little intimidated. He knew he was pretty good in bed, but he'd never left Marie...well, like that.

Liam watched Blake sway a bit as another tremor hit her. She leaned forward, supporting herself on her elbows as she continued to recover from her orgasm.

Liam flexed his hands as he watched that. Seeing Blake like that made him want to be there with her, holding her while she recovered.

"Holy shit," Blake breathed, running a hand through her hair as she straightened again. She blinked a few times, shaking her head, "Damn, dudes. My head is still all fuzzy from that." She grinned, "Since my cognitive abilities have definitely been compromised for the time being, I'm just going to keep fucking the Lieutenant, here."

She leaned toward the camera, tilting it up a bit, "I'll give you guys a different view this time, though.

Liam watched Blake turn as she pulled back, reorienting the torso. His cock twitched when she brought her ass into the frame, large, sparkling base of her gem plug spreading her cheeks just above her dripping pussy.

Blake got in position on her knees, thigh-high socks outlining the curves of her legs, and reached underneath her to hold the dildo steady as she lowered herself onto it. Her moans sent shivers through Liam as the cock disappeared between her glistening lips at an agonizingly slow pace.

Liam realized he'd never had this view of Blake's ass before and found himself unable to look away from her incredible curves. When Blake sank all the way down onto the cock, her body shook as though another aftershock had hit, then ground her hips against the torso before raising her ass back up only slightly faster.

Liam's cock twitched at that and he finally moved his hand again, matching Blake's pace. His cock ached with the need to cum, making the slow pace even more difficult, but Liam kept it. He wanted to see Blake cum again.

As he watched Blake fuck the fake cock, her movements so fluid and sensual, Liam wished he could see both her face and her ass. Though that likely would have made him cum much faster than he wanted to. Watching Blake do something like this was arousing enough, but when he could look into her eyes while he did it, his blood seemed to boil with desire.

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