Part LXXIV: Can I Shampoo Your Hair?

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LXXIV: Blake

As the shower-head turned on, handle cranked up to the steamy-setting, Blake twitched, then smiled. She straightened, twisting in Liam's hands, and her smile deepened as her eyes drank in his naked form. His arms looked a bit bigger than usual, his muscles a bit more defined.

Probably still a bit pumped from working out. We'll have to do that more often.

His cock, already hard again, pressed against her belly, pulsing and warm.

She raised her hands to his shoulders, then drew her fingers down his torso, "This is a good look for you, you know. You should do it more often."

Liam grinned, hands moving to the hem of her tank top, "I think it's a better look on you."

Blake bit her lip as he undressed her, loving the feel of his fingers brushing against her skin, eyes tracking his as he drank in the flesh he revealed. She swore she could literally feel his eyes on her when he looked at her like that, caressing her in a way that sent shivers down her spine and jumpstarted her pussy. Not that it ever really needed that around him.

Does he feel the same when I look at him?

Within seconds, they both stood naked before each-other, clothes on the floor. Blake looked up, meeting Liam's eyes, and smiled, nodding toward the shower, "You first."

He raised an eyebrow, "And risk the freezing water?"

Blake shrugged, "I sucked you off."

Liam's mouth twitched in a faint smile, "So that's how this works? You make me cum, and I have to turn into a popsicle?"

Blake nodded, unable to hold back her own grin, "Pretty much. I'd also appreciate it if you eat me out later like you'd said back at the gym."

Liam stuck his tongue out at her, then pulled back the shower curtain and stepped in.

That was fucking adorable.


Blake giggled at Liam's hiss, "A little cold, still?"

"Yeah. Made the mistake of thinking your showers would get warm quicker than mine."

Blake snorted, "It's still winter, dude."

"Fair enough. It's...almost warm enough, now."

Blake waited a few seconds, then stepped in.

The spray was still a bit cold, but Liam stepped to the side, making room for her under the warm spray. Blake shuddered, smiling as the warmth spread through her. She closed her eyes as the water rained down on her, sufficiently warming every part of her, letting her hair get wet—it would have ample time to dry. When she opened her eyes, she drank in Liam's wet, naked form.

He'd told her he planned on gaining a bit more weight—something Blake had zero problem with—she didn't think he needed it. He was perfect as he was.

He could be a stick or a chubby bear for all I care. As long as I feel safe in his arms.

She let her gaze travel up Liam's body until their eyes locked. As usual, the desire in his eyes when he looked at her made her throb with need. He stepped closer, joining her under the spray, and his cock pressed into her stomach. Blake shivered at the way it throbbed as it pressed against her, insistent. Hungry. Blake reached out and rested her hands on Liam's chest for a moment, smiling when she felt his heartbeat. Then she moved her hands over his torso. Sex with him was phenomenal, but sometimes she just liked touching him, feeling all the different planes and curves and shapes of his body under her fingers. Her eyes flickered toward his a few times as she touched him. He just stood there, smiling.

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