Part XV: Return of Shame

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XV: Blake

Blake let out a heavy sigh, nodding her head against the wooden door as she reached inside her hidden dress pocket for her key. She felt gross.

The night the time it had seemed incredible. She and the brunette had fucked late into the night. That vibrating strapon had made Blake scream. When it had become too much, she'd eaten the taller girl's pussy and ass for a while before the girl produced a double-sided dildo for them to fuck each other with.

Blake's pussy throbbed at the memory of that, and not entirely in the good way. The brunette had kept her promise. Blake had walked all the way back—thankfully not too far—from her place on shaky legs. Her legs at least had a good soreness to them like they did after a workout. The rest of her, however...the rest of her needed a shower, possibly a bath, and a good 24 hours of uninterrupted sleep. She knew that much, despite how clouded her mind was.

A click sounded from one of the doors down the hall, and Blake's eyes shot open as she pushed the door open and slid through the opening, closing it shut behind her and leaning her head back against it as she took a few deep breaths.

It wasn't like Blake had never walked the walk of shame before. Normally, however, it wasn't so shameful, as though she wore the clothes from the night before, she at least had time and the presence of mind to put herself together. This morning, she'd had neither. The brunette was a morning person, it seemed, as she'd been gone when Blake woke, leaving only a little note. Her roommate Sarah had been nice enough, but Blake had felt uncharacteristically awkward the entire time, and had left as quickly as possible.


Blake's eyes shot open, and she found herself staring at a confused Liam leaning over from the kitchen to look toward the door. His hair was a complete mess, so adorable, and he wore a plain grey T-shirt and plaid PJ pants. Somehow Blake found that almost as sexy as seeing him in only his boxers. His blue eyes, vibrant as ever, were fixed on her.

Suddenly, Blake was very aware of how she looked—her dress, the only somewhat orderly pony-tail she had pulled her hair into, her likely-smudged make up...and she was also acutely aware of the plug in her ass. She shouldn't be, given how often she wore one, and that she'd had something in her ass almost every time she'd spoken to Liam—even a few times in class—yet now she felt as though she was hiding a dirty little secret from him. That might also be because you're not wearing any panties you idiot. She'd also kept the plug in her ass after a quick cleaning in the brunette's bathroom, as she hadn't really had anywhere else to put it.

When she didn't respond, Liam raised an eyebrow, stepping fully into the hall, "You alright?"

Blake sighed, scrubbing a hand through her hair, "Yeah, just...tired."

There, that wasn't lying.

Liam studied her for a moment, and Blake shivered under that gaze. Then the corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile, and he snorted a laugh, "Shame, shame, I know your name."

Blake glared at him for a moment, then tossed her key at him. The dick had the nerve to catch the fucking thing. And grin at her.

"Ugh! You're lucky I'm tired and sore, otherwise I'd smack that stupid grin off your face."

Liam smiled at her then, motioning her toward him. Blake almost melted to the floor right there.

"Well if you're tired, I'll make a little extra food for you. Marie's out getting some food for later tonight since I promised I would cook for her all day. You might as well take advantage."

Somehow, Blake managed to push herself off the door and walk toward Liam and the kitchen. For some reason, he gave her a strange look the whole time. Before she could ask what was going through his head, he had his arms around her, pressing her against his chest. It felt so fucking nice.

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