Part XIII: Lust-Drunk Frustration

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XIII: Blake

Blake needed to get fucked. Hard. The ball of frustration she had suppressed all week had become almost unbearable, even more so with two shots she had taken warming her stomach and the plug in her ass.

The loud, thumping music of the club helped to drown out Blake's thoughts as she walked toward the dance floor, but by the time she was among the mass of swaying, gyrating bodies, she could have sworn her pussy had started pounding with the bass.

For a moment, Blake looked around to try and find a partner, but remembering how well that had worked out last time, she just chose a group of girls to approach and swayed to the music, eyes closed.

Blake knew someone would approach her soon—she had made sure of that—and at a gay club, she felt a bit safer acting so brazen.

Blake had wanted to stand out tonight. She'd picked a short sparkling white dress that clung to her like a second skin and worn no bra or panties underneath. The matching heels she'd chosen made her ass and legs damn fine, and she'd pulled her hair back in a tight pony tail that lay over her shoulder. She wanted to go home with someone tonight and fuck until they passed out. She needed that.

Though she had taken Chloe's advice and not thought of Liam while playing with herself at all this week, Blake's pussy had chosen to be very uncooperative. Blake hadn't cum since the blonde at the club had fingered her the weekend before. She'd faked it during her show, making the stupid noises pornstars and those convulsing camgirls often made when they "came," and on Wednesday she'd tried so hard to make herself cum that her pussy was still a little sore.

Blake's pent-up arousal, combined with her hazy thoughts and the music's beat that seemed to thrum in her dripping pussy, caused her to moan when a pair of hands grabbed her hips and pulled her back against a feminine pelvis. Eyes shooting open, Blake whirled around and found herself grinning up at a well-tanned brunette with green eyes.

"Hey," Blake breathed, surprised at the husky tone of her own voice.

The brunette smirked back at her, pressing her hips into Blakes and grinding, "Hey."

Blake barely stifled another moan at the contact and wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck as she gazed up into eyes as lust-filled as she felt. The girl bit her lip and looked Blake up and down languorously, lips curling into a smirk when her eyes came back to meet Blake's once more. Blake did the same and felt her pussy throb as she took in her dance partner's appearance. This girl wasn't as curvy as Blake usually preferred, but she was toned. Muscles rippled and shown with sweat on shapely thighs, and Blake's hands traced a lean figure and trim waist before cupping a firm ass under the girl's little black dress. The girl's tits weren't huge, but decent for how athletic she was. Blake could already imagine licking sweat off the girl's taut stomach.

As Blake's gaze returned to the brunette's, she opened her mouth, but the taller girl grabbed Blake by the ass and moved her so that one of her thighs was between Blake's legs. A moan escaped Blake's lips as the girl pulled Blake's hips down onto her thigh.

Blake's dress rode up and her pussy made contact with that taut skin, her juices lubricating it as her hips began gyrating on their own.

Blake felt slim fingers trace her jaw and realized that her hands were locked around the back of the girl's neck, her head pressed against the girl's chest. Blake looked up at the brunette for a moment before the taller girl leaned down. Her breath felt hot and wet on Blake's ear when she spoke.

"You're not wearing anything under that dress, are you?"

Blake shook her head with a whimper, and was met with a low, husky chuckle.

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