Chapter 3

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Katsuki laid on the hospital bed for 6 months, that was how long he was asleep. He showed minor symptoms of recovering, sometimes his fingers will twitch or do small movements.

The Todoroki family visited him and paid all the expense, keeping the truth from them. Shoto would come and visit Katsuki with Kirishima. Katsuki eyes fluttered opened, immediately shutting them back because of the light. His mother looked at him with joy as she called for the doctor, who came and examine Katsuki.

The doctor helped Katsuki up to sit, his eyes examined the room, he saw his parents, The Todoroki’s, Shoto and Kirishima. He turned his head.

“Mr. Bakugou, I want to say that I am very happy you are up.” The doctors said

“How long was I asleep?” Katsuki asked his voice was scratchy.

“You’ve been in coma for six months.” The doctor answered

Katsuki eyes caught the ring that blinged on Kirishima’s finger. He turned his head back to the doctor.

“When you had the accident, a lot of glass shattered onto your body. I want to say that you are going to be temporarily crippled. If you try moving your leg, you can’t. You aren’t permanently paralyzed, so with the right therapy you can eventually be healed.” The doctors said as tears fall from Katsuki eyes.

“And there is also a next problem.” The doctor stated

“What is it?” Katsuki asked

“Because of your accident, a sharp metal object stabbed into your abdomen and it damaged your womb. We did everything we could to successfully operate on it. We are sorry Katsuki, but you won’t be able to have any kids. I’m sorry.” The doctor said making Katsuki cry loudly as his hands shakenly reached for his stomach

The doctor patted Katsuki's back and eventually left.

“Just kill me, let me die.” Katsuki pleaded

“K…Katsuki.” His mother stuttered, shock of what she heard.

Rei and Enji came closer to Katsuki handing him an envelope. Katsuki took out what was in the envelope and stared at before tearing it into pieces.

“Listen I don’t need your fucking money, taking your money and shove it up your fucking ass because of your son I don’t know when I can walk again and I can’t have kids!” Katsuki shouted again  

“I hope that I never meet you again. My life is ruin because of you, because of your cheating. I hope you're happy because all my dreams went to waste, I can’t walk, I can’t have kids and I can’t pursue my dream job. I hate you Shoto, so get the fuck out and stay out of my life you and your fucking whore!” Katsuki yelled at them

“I’m sorry Katuski, but here there is something I want to give to you. Here is the wedding invitation for both Kirishima and I’s wedding. I hope you find it in you to attend.” Shoto said as he went closer to Katsuki when he was greeted with a hard slap against his face making everyone in the room gasped.

“Didn’t you hear that I hate you and don’t want to fucking involve my life with you anymore. You have fucking audacity Shoto, to invite me to both your weddings, how long were cheating on me?” Katsuki asked

“I just wanted you to come, I regret everything I did to you.” Shoto answered

“Leave.” Katsuki said as he gripped his shirt as his breathing increased

“Katsuki is there anything wrong?” Shoto asked

“I SAID TO FUCKING LEAVE!” Katsuki yelled making the Todoroki family and Kirishima leave.

All of them watched as doctors rushed the Katsuki’s room.

“Son, I hope you are happy with this decision you made, Katsuki has to live his life with no children and probably no partner. At the end of the day, you are our kid, but you made a fucking decision that changed someone’s life forever and the audacity you have to invite him to your wedding.” Enji said

“Katsuki could hate you; he could watch as the life slowly leave your eyes, but I could never accept what you did. I wish you a happy married life. I just hope Katsuki doesn’t hate me, the way he hates you.” Enji added as he took Rei’s hand into his.

“Hey Sho, it’s okay. We are going to be okay. Katsuki is going to come around.” Kirishima said reassuring his fiance.

“Let’s just hope he can forgive me.” Shoto said as he kissed Kirishima’s lips

The two of them left and went to the car and went home to the apartment they both shared.

Kaminari came and visited Katsuki who laid on the bed with his eyes staring at the ceiling.

“Kat!” Kaminari shouted with tears in his eyes

Katsuki looked at him and started crying too. Kaminari came and engulfed him in a hug.

“I’m glad, you’re awake.” Kaminari said making Katsuki nod.

The two of them ate the ice cream Kaminari brought. He enjoyed it with delight.

“The doctors told me I can’t walk, but it isn’t permanently  and I also can’t have children.” Katsuki said

“Kirishima and Todoroki are getting married after the semester ends.” Kaminari replied

“I know the asshole, came and give me the invitation.” Katsuki said

“Are you going?” Kaminari asked

“I honestly don’t know, I mean my parents told me the helped paid off the hospital expenses, so I asked them it was a sum of 6,000,000 yen and I plan to give them it back. I don’t want to hold no ties with that family.

"Their son is the reason for this cause and even if Todoroki leaves Kirishima to come back to me, what can I give him? I can’t give him children and probably won’t be able to walk for who knows long, it may take years for my body to change. I will be leech to him, I hate him so much because I know I still love him.” Katsuki said

“Let’s go to the wedding maybe by that time you won’t feel anything for him and we both can save up the money to give them it back. Your parents work good jobs, they are designers, so maybe we can pay it back together. Let’s live our college life in peace and without worries. If you need to use a wheel chair, I can stroll you around.” Kaminari said

“I don’t know what will I do without you." Katsuki replied

"We need each other and that is all that matters.” Kaminari stated.

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