Chapter 25

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Katsuki woke up early and decided to do the promise that he made with Izuku, making Katsudon. Izuku was still asleep, Katsuki went out leaving a note on the counter. He left the house and went to the nearest grocery store and got the ingredients he needed. While he was walking checking for the best pork cutlet. He bump into someone and immediately apologized. He looked up and saw that it was Shoto, he cursed under his breath. Shoto was the last person he wanted to meet or much less talk to.

He was still hurt by what Shoto did, It made him feel useless to Izuku. Who would want to be with someone that can't give him kids? He turned back to look at the pork cutlet. He picked up the best one and placed it in his cart before bowing to Shoto, who was still in front of him.

"Kat..." Shoto called out

Katsuki didn't turned back, it wasn't like the past when he would. Shoto was a bad memory of his, a past that he wanted to forget with the best of his possibility. All he wanted was for Shoto to be happy and he was clearly was, the two doesn't hold any tie with each other...not anymore. Katsuki had finally found peace in his life and it was all because of Izuku, Izuku was the person who helped him through thick and thin other than his parents.

Words can't express how much he love Izuku and that's why he wanted this relationship to last for a very long time. To the point where the two would get married and have kids or adopt kids.

Katsuki walked back to the hotel and went to his room. On his arrival, he saw Izuku coming out the room scratching his side. Katsuki smiled and placed the stuff down and went over to Izuku wrapping his arms around Izuku's torso. He placed a kiss on Izuku's bare chest.

"Why are you up so early?" Katsuki asked

"I didn't feel you beside me, when I turned. Where did you go?" Izuku answered

"I went to the grocery store to buy thing for us to eat. I also saw your cousin there." Katsuki said

"What did he say to you?" Izuku asked as he rubbed his hands against Katsuki's waist

"He didn't get to say anything, I walked away." Katsuki answered

"Eventually, we do need to be nice to them, my dad is thinking of relocating his business back into Japan or just leaving it there for Tenko and his boyfriend. According to them, they want to come back to their home country. I know it's about Kirishima giving birth my mom loves kids and we also don't need you to worry about that. We are going to stay in the Americas and help Tenko out for the meanwhile. I'll come back here and run the company here and this will be better for you too because you'll get to see your parents and Kaminari more often. We can also see if we can fix your womb, but remember Katsuki we should take one step at a time.

"I know I said we were going to leave in a week, but things at the office came up and we need to go back tomorrow. I already told aunt Rei that I was going to her house to apologize to her and after that we can go to your parents' house." Izuku explained

"Okay then after every event we have to attend we should come back and pack our stuff." Katsuki said

"Kat, you know what I love about you. It's how understanding you are and it makes me love you more everyday. You're so perfect." Izuku replied bending his neck down to give Katsuki a kiss.

The two pulled away from each other and Katsuki went to the kitchen and Izuku to the bathroom. Katsuki cooked the meal and placed it on the table. Izuku came out of the bathroom and sat around the table and smiled as he saw the food in front of him.

"You remembered." Izuku said, his heart was full

Katsuki smiled

"I had never forgotten." Katsuki said as they both eat their food and both did the dishes together.

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