Chapter 28

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Katsuki and Izuku went inside his parents' house and was immediately greeted. Katsuki's face was peppered with kisses from his mom.

Katsuki giggled loving how his mom still treated him as a child.

"Oh we wanted to tell you how much, we are proud of you for walking again and how we loved hearing you and Izuku's love story." Mitsuki said

"Thank you mom for everything." Katsuki said

"You're welcome dear, we heard that you are going back tomorrow, it's such a shame tho. We wanted to spend some more time with you. It's been almost like two years that we haven't seen you in person, but I'm glad that you came back to show us you can walk again." Mitsuki continued

"You have made us more proud of you son, in this life you are our greatest achievement and I hope that you'll be our son in the next." Masaru said

"Awww, you guys are going to make me cry." Katsuki stated

"Let's sit." Mitsuki said as she guided the couple in.

"Well all I can say is that I'm happy you two finally met. The bawling that Katsuki made, when he realized you weren't coming back. You two were matched made in heaven. I'm just glad my son gets to be happy again." Masaru said

"You didn't need to embarrass me like that dad." Katsuki said hiding his blushing face.

"What? it's the truth." Masaru replied

"We all know it's the truth, but Katsuki here." Mitsuki said pulling out a bag.

Katsuki looked at it and noticed it was herbs.

"I went and listen to my old friends, they recommended that you should drink this once a day to help you get better and also it will help with the development of your womb. The doctors said it was damage, however let's have faith that you will be able to have kids. I don't want you to feel pressured, you and Izuku had just got into a relationship, if the heavens is willing maybe the both of you will get married and think about having kids. We are proud of you Katsuki for coming this far. I know they were days when you wanted to give up and We are also thankful for Izuku, for being there for you when we were not." Mitsuki said

"Mrs. Bakugou, Kacchan and I talked we will try everything to have the family we deserved. We want to take things slow. I came to the conclusion like you said if the heavens are willing and we stay together for that long. We will eventually come back and live our life in Japan because I want Kacchan to be able to see his parents like he use to. His only purposes for going to the Americas was for his treatment. Like all of you, I'm am extremely proud of Kacchan, he indeed came along way." Izuku stated making Mitsuki and Masaru smile

"I happy my son found someone who loves him as much as he loves them. It's really refreshing." Masaru said

"All of you are getting sappy." Katsuki said

"You love  it when we get sappy." Izuku replied and pulled Katsuki closer to him.

"It's good to see you two acting like this, Izuku can I have a word with you outside?" said Masaru

Izuku left Katsuki and went outside  to with Masaru. Izuku watched as Masaru hand were held together at the back.

"You know when Katsuki was younger his favourite flower was Purple Jasmine, he said he liked the smell and it's representation, purity, grace and elegance. It represented him too, but when he dated Todoroki it changed to pink lilies and he would always grow out these flowers when he was at home or even at his own apartment. Katsuki is a very smart child and he knew the meaning of some flowers and if he didn't he would search it up. Until one day Todoroki gifted him red dahlia, when we saw it. We immediately knew something was wrong with the relationship. Katsuki is very stubborn, so he wanted to fix things with Todoroki, but what he didn't knew it would have almost caused him his life to fix something that was already broken, lost and forever gone.

When Katsuki was on that hospital bed, his body looked so lifeless. We almost lost our baby because he was blinded by love. When we were at the Todoroki's household and you told them we never forgive what their son did to ours, you were right. Todoroki should have handle the situation differently, it wouldn't have hurt that much like it did to him. We all know it isn't the same as it was, Katsuki feels it, he probably feels terrible that in the future he won't be able to give you or anyone a child. He smiles through the pain because he is holding unto that last bit of hope. I know my son like I know myself and that's why I brought you out here. If you ever want to propose to Katsuki give him the purple Jasmine and the red roses the two makes a good combination and I ask you to promise me to not hurt my son like Shoto did.

I'm getting old Katsuki will be twenty-three soon and he's the light in our life, I don't want the light in our life to beg for death like he did when he found out he couldn't have children." Masaru stated

"Mr. Bakugou, I can assure you that I won't do anything to Katsuki, I can communicate my feelings well, I do it better that Shoto because I'm not him. I will never hurt Katsuki like Shoto did. He only remembers him because of the traumatic past. I love your son because he was my first love and that's why I regret leaving Katsuki because maybe we would have been together." Izuku said

He understood where everyone was coming from, especially the Bakugou's. Katsuki is their son for crying out loud, however he hated it, he hated how everyone put up caution signs when it came to his love for Katsuki. He hated how everyone thinks he will be the second Shoto, he hated that motherfucker for painting Katsuki's future partner's black.

"You were Katsuki's first love too, but feelings change over night. Katsuki waited for you till he went to high school wishing and hoping you would come back, but then he met Shoto and that bastard made Katsuki fell in love with him. We never asked them to pay for Katsuki's hospital bill, we wanted nothing to do with them, but that family hold nothing but audacity. They believe Katsuki would have woken up thankful for the expenses they had paid. We could have covered our own son's expenses, but they insisted and I'm proud of you son, for loving our son that long. I guess what they say is true first love do hold a special place in ones heart.

I'm glad that you make Katsuki feels happy again, his mother and I have been together for years and the best advice I can give you young folks is love each other unconditionally, there will be fights and misunderstanding but in the end love paints the way." Masaru said tapping Izuku's shoulder.

Izuku smiled, he say the familiar blonde walking towards him.

"Dad, did you lecture him? you both took to long out here." said Katsuki

"No, we had a man to man talk. It was need for the both of you." Masaru replied

"But I'm a man too!" Katsuki pouted

"You are his future wife." Masaru laughed

"Anyway dad, we are leaving. I'll call often." Katsuki said

"Okay son, have a safe flight." Masaru replied as he watched his son walked away with Izuku hand in hand.

He sighed and smiled happily at the two, hoping his son will get a better happy ending.

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