Chapter 50

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The morning Katsuki woke up from his phone vibrating, he got his phone and saw his mom texting him that she will be there soon, he shifted his foot to the side of the bed and sat there contemplating his life. He slowly got up and went to the room Izuku was sleeping and opened the door as he sat on the ground grabbing his suitcase and got out a pair of clothing, his jeans pants and a blue and white striped shirt. He took out his white tennis. He got a towel out from the walk in closet and he grabbed his body wash, Izuku wasn't in the room at the time and a part of him yearned for Izuku and a part of him was glad that there wasn't any sight of Izuku because he knew that the two would mostly like fight first thing in the morning.

Katsuki went to take his shower and he changed placing on his clothes, he comb out his hair before tying it at the back. He bent down and put on his shoes before going downstairs where he saw Izuku already dressed and ready to go. Katsuki hand his phone in his hand as he with to his messenger bag to ensure that his wallet and the house key was in there. Katsuki sat in the chair in an uncomfortable silence.

"Katsuki, why won't you talk to me?" Izuku asked

"Weren't you the one that doesn't want to talk me after what happen yesterday with Shindo and then you leaving me out here. I thought you would have carried me to bed." Katsuki answered

"Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad about what I said about you and that Shindo guy. It came out the worse way possible." Izuku said

"You hurt me a lot when you said that, I am nothing, but loyal to you and it's like you don't even trust me and it makes me sad." Katsuki replied making Izuku pull him into his lap.

Izuku placed his face into Katsuki's chest.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you so let's stay here and let me love you." Izuku said as he looked up to Katsuki, who placed a kiss on the other's lips.

"We need to go and buy stuff for the house, I wanted you to come along with me because I didn't want to buy stuff that you will not like and please believe me when I say that their is nothing going on between me and Shindo. We were just old schoolmates nothing more and the two of us are moving back to our home country and I needed access to get the rest of our stuff down and I offered to pay him, but he decline." Katsuki explained

"I should've trusted you and I'm sorry for making you feel bad or sad about the situation." Izuku said

"You are forgiven, my parents will be here any minute now." Katsuki replied

Katsuki said as he came off of Izuku's lap.

"We need to send down the car also, so we don't have to depend on our parents taking us here and there." Izuku said

"I know Shindo said it is okay to give him everything we need to bring down and then when we are complete, we can have a housewarming party. " Katsuki replied

Izuku leaned closer to Katsuki placing a kiss on his lips.

A car horn was heard from outside and the two pulled away from each other.

Katsuki was the firstt to walk through the door followed by Izuku, who locked the front door and they walked to the car hand in hand.

"So you two made up?" Mitsuki asked

"Yeah, we did." Izuku answered making Katsuki go into the car at first and then himself.

"We need to get everything, so we will have a long shopping day today." Katsuki said as he brought out his phone out and looked at what he needed.

The stop at their first store and went inside and got out and Izuku went for the shopping cart and Katsuki also got one. The two went to the rug aisle and got a total of nine rugs with the almost the same design and then he went for more candles, he got more towels and hand towels.

"Katsuki, are you intending to buy the whole store?" Izuku asked as his hands wrapped around Katsuki's waist.

"No babe, we just need to make sure we have everything need encase anyone that we know wants to spend the night over. We have a total of six bedroom and three are for guests only and there is a guest bathroom from the other bathroom so in total there is three bathroom, our own, the guest bathroom and then one for our kids when we have." Katsuki said counting his fingers.

"You realized all of that when we were there yesterday, didn't you?" Izuku asked

"Yep, I was bored and had nothing so I took a tour of the house. I now know why it was so fucking expensive."  Katsuki answered

"I know it was a lot of money." Izuku said while Katsuki placed more stuff into the cart as Izuku watched.

"Baby you're gonna make me go broke." Izuku replied

"I will take this as your apology." Katsuki said as he took more stuff into cart.

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