Chapter 39

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Katsuki woke and realized that it was already night. He placed on his slippers before going downstairs where he saw everyone drinking beer and eating chicken drumstick. The scent of food filled his nose and his stomach growl, ready to be filled.

Katsuki went and sat beside Izuku.

"Babe, you're awake. Do you want some food?" Izuku asked making Katsuki nod.

Izuku went for a plate and Katsuki watched his every moved as he played with hair, it was a habit that he picked up when he stressed too much. Izuku came back and took the food out for Katsuki and gave it too him.

"I told you to stop fondling with your hair so much it's going to look like bird nest any moment." Izuku said as he loosed Katsuki's hair from the hair band before placing it all back in one.

"My hair has grown too much, I think I should give it a simple trim so it doesn't past my shoulders because if that happens my hair will be all about the place." Katsuki said as he took a bite of the drumstick.

"Is there anything to drink other than beer?" Katsuki asked

"Yeah, we have soda." Izuku stretched as his muscles flexed, he grabbed the coke and gave it to Katsuki.

"Don't drink to much either, you are the one who needs to drive us back home." Katsuki said as he eyed Izuku .

"Yes darling, I won't drinking to much." Izuku said as he placed the empty can of beer down and began to drink soda.

"So when are you guys going back to Japan I mean it's been a week?" Katsuki asked

"Look at him Masaru, he's ready to get rid of us." Mituski answered

"Yes I am, so when are you going back?" Katsuki asked as he placed his soda down

"You brat, we are going back next week, trying to get rid of your parents that quickly for eighteen years, we did your laundry, we cooked your meals, we gave you money for school, we help you with your school fees and then you grew very much independent so I can't complain." Mitsuki said

"Right, that is so right." Katsuki said sarcastically

"Sometimes I wish you were younger because you are very sarcastic and you have a broken humor like when you were young you were very cute." Mitsuki replied

"Well all go things comes to an end." Katsuki said as he bite into the drumstick

"Babe stop." Izuku stated to Katsuki, who went back to eating his food.

He finished eating and went to dispose of his garbage.

He washed his hands before going back to sit beside Izuku, who is the extrovert.

Katsuki placed his hand on Izuku's thighs as he watched him converse with the others.

"Babe, are you ready to go home?" Izuku asked as he diverted his gaze to Katsuki.

"You are having a good time so continue. I mean they are going back next week and you'll be busy with work." Katsuki said

"Okay, aren't you going to finish publishing your book?" Izuku asked

"I am finished with that, so I have a lot of free time on my hands. It will just be me at home all by myself when you're at work." Katsuki answered

"Do you want me to work from home?" Izuku asked

"No, I have already burden you with enough and you've took sometime off of work to help with my treatment. You should get back to work, I will be wait for you at home." Katsuki answered as he made Izuku smiled and nod.

It was getting late and Izuku and Katsuki decided that it was best to go, although his parents wanted them to stay.

As Katsuki went home he cool of before taking a shower, where Izuku came and joined. The two then with to bed falling asleep in each other's embrace.

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