Chapter 61

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Katsuki was now into his ninth month of pregnancy and Izuku took time off of work to take care of him especially since his water can break anytime soon. Izuku was beside Katsuki since Katsuki's baby bump has grown a lot and he needed help getting out of the couch. There was this one time, Katsuki used Izuku's face as a brace and everyone began to laugh. Katsuki was very welcoming with the other's, Tomura and Keigo stayed because they wanted to see their nephew before going. Kaminari, Kirishima and Keigo have kept Katsuki's sane as they paid their daily visit along with the rest. It was game night and Izuku was watching Katsuki's every move.

The contractions Katsuki would have hurt like a bitch that he thinks he would go into labor, but it was all false. He took small in and out breaths as he waddled over to the kitchen, when he gripped the counter and groaned. This somehow got everyone's attention and looked towards Katsuki to see sweat form on his face. Izuku rushed over to him and helped him.

"I...izuku, it hurts so bad." Katsuki said making Izuku removed the hair that laid on Katsuki's face

"Remember Katsuki in, out, in, out." Izuku said mimicking the breathing exercise.

Liquid came down Katsuki's leg and he looked at Izuku.

"I PEED MYSELF!" Katsuki cried

"Oh great heavens, Katsuki your water broke." Izuku said as he rushed upstairs and got the baby bag along with Katsuki's one and pretty much everything that is need for the baby. He rushed to the car and placed them in before going back for Katsuki.

"The baby's coming!" Izuku yelled as he placed Katsuki into the passenger seat. The others followed in the own car. Izuku was driving not too fast and not too slow, Katsuki was practicing his breathing exercise and to his luck Izuku made it to the hospital quick enough for him to be admitted to the VIP room not long after everyone rushed in. Katsuki had change into the hospital gown with the help of Izuku, who peppered his face to comfort him.

It was contractions after contractions.

"Honey, you're doing a good job." Izuku said as he held Katsuki's hand into his

"My back hurts." Katsuki replied

The nurse came into check on Katsuki leaving a cloth and a dish filled with water. Izuku went for the cloth wetting and squeezing it before wiping the sweat from Katsuki's face.

Katsuki got up and began to pace around the room since his back hurts, everyone watched as Izuku followed behind him.

"Let's lay down Katsuki." Izuku said as he led Katsuki back to the bed.

Katsuki groaned in pain as the contraction began to feel more intense.

"Oh my fucking god, SOMEONE NEEDS TO SEDATE ME!" Katsuki yelled making Izuku push the button to alert the nurse.

Eventually the nurse came in with a doctor who looked between Katsuki's legs, it wasn't time to push yet.

"It isn't time to push yet, however we can give you some epidural anesthesia to decrease the pain." The doctor said as the nurse injected the fluid into Katsuki's lower back

The pain began to ease and Katsuki laid back into bed. Izuku was biting on his fingernails until Katsuki placed his hands on Izuku's one. It was almost an hour of waiting for the drug to wear off.

"I'm fine." Katsuki said receiving a kiss from Izuku on the lips. Katsuki's legs were already prep up and Mitsuki went and looked between it. She went over and pressed the button making Katsuki looked at her.

"Mom, why did you press the button?" Katsuki asked

"That intense pain you've been feeling, you were opening up. It is time to push the baby out." Izuku answered

"So you looked between my leg?" Katsuki asked blushing

"I've seen every single part of you, there is nothing to be ashamed off, now we should wait until the epidural anesthesia wears off and then the pain you've been feeling will come right back, so everyone who doesn't belong in the room needs to come out any minute now." Mitsuki explained

Everyone who didn't belong in the room came out and those who belong in the room stayed. The epidural anesthesia begun to wear off and that was went to doctors came into the room along with the nurse and offered Izuku a wraparound gown so his clothes wouldn't get dirty.

"Okay Mr. Midoriya I will need you to give me some pushes, okay?" The doctor said earning a nod from Katsuki.

Katsuki screamed giving the pushes, Izuku was behind him giving him encouraging words kissing his forehead every so often, It took Katsuki five pushes, but every thirty minutes. The baby was finally out of him and he flung his head back in relief, panting. He watched as the nurse dealt with the crying baby, changing him with Izuku by the nurse side watching every move before taking Ikuyo over to Katsuki, placing him on Katsuki's chest. Katsuki cooed at his son, who only had a little bit of hair on his head and whose eyes was close.

"Do you want the rest of them to come in?" Izuku asked

Katsuki nod as his he looked at his mom, who came over and took her grandson into her arms, she had tears in her eyes, cooing and slowly swaying the newborn as she believed Ikuyo was to fragile. Mitsuki placed the baby in bassinet beside Katsuki's bed before slowly getting the damped clothes and wiping Katsuki forehead and neck placing a kiss on his forehead.

"You did well Katsuki, Ikuyo is so beautiful just like his mother." Mitsuki said making Katsuki smiled

"I'm really tired." Katsuki said earning a smile from Mitsuki, who placed another kiss on Katsuki's forehead.

"Then rest, pushing a baby out is no joke." She said earning a laugh from Katsuki, who looked over to see everyone gushing over their newborn. Izuku came to the next side of the bed and kissed Katsuki's lips once more.

"The doctors said that Ikuyo is healthy. I'm proud of you for taking care of him while taking care of you." Izuku said

Katsuki eyes felt heavy as he fell into a deep sleep, his pregnant days are finally over.

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