Chapter 18

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Katsuki woke in Izuku embrace, loving the warmth that came from Izuku. He felt all giggly inside and his tummy was filled with butterflies. The person he had got to love over the months, loved him back even though there were some minor signs.

Izuku's eyes fluttered opened as he smiled at Katsuki. He leaned in colliding their lips. It was a small and sweet peck on the lips, nothing aggressive just a little quick peck.

"Good morning, sunshine." Katsuki said

"Good morning, what are we going to do today?" Izuku asked

"Anything, it doesn't matter as long as I'm with you." Katsuki answered

"Let's go to your parent house to show them, that I can walk." Katsuki added

"Then to my parents' house it is." Izuku said and pulled Katsuki out of the bed.

"You go and take a shower." Izuku added

"Okay then." Katsuki replied and went to the bathroom. When Katsuki came out he saw a pair of clothes on the bed awaiting him. Izuku came in and saw Katsuki naked body and went immediately to the bathroom.

Katsuki applied his body lotion and put on his boxers. Katsuki sat on the bed when he heard the door clicked and Izuku came out, water droplets from his hair; dropping onto his chest. His well toned chest as he outlined his upper body and Katsuki blushed. Katsuki slowly walked up to Izuku and tip-toed and kissed Izuku lips.

"Let's do it." Katsuki said

"We've only been together for only two days." Izuku replied

"And so, people have one night stands with people, but you and I are together." Katsuki said

"I want to do it to, but let's wait until we are both ready." Izuku replied making Katsuki pouted

"Okay." Katsuki said as he unwrapped his arms from Izuku.

Izuku held onto Katsuki's waist before giving him a long kiss.

"Let's get ready, I already told my parents' that we will go to their house."  Izuku said as he looked for clothing. Katsuki went and put on his clothes and Izuku did the same.

The two of them left and went to Izuku's parents' house. Katsuki was nervous, Izuku's parents were good people as they always send him encouraging text, but what if they didn't want their son to be with him.  He thought of all the bad possibilities before the good.

They arrived at the house and it looked very heavenly. The security guard opened the gates and Izuku drove in. Izuku parked his car before going over to open the passenger's seat for Katsuki. Katsuki took a hold of Izuku's hand and the two walked in.

Katsuki's palm got sweaty making Izuku kissed his forehead, reassuring him that everything was okay.

Izuku went in the living room, where his parent's were. Inko got shocked making both Tenko and Haishi gasped

"You can walk again? Oh my, Katsuki." Inko said as he got up to hug Katsuki

"It was all thanks to Izuku." Katsuki replied with a blush

"Tell me how it happened. Did you two finally get together?" Inko asked

Katsuki nod and Izuku's parents and brother cheered leaving Katsuki shock.

"Finally, we've been waiting too long, the chemistry between you two filled the room. Our son's first love, loves him back. I'm happy." Haishi said

"Wait I'm his first love?" Katsuki asked making everyone nod

"Oh, so when you were talking about the person, you left behind it was me?" Katsuki asked Izuku.

Izuku blushed as he nodded at Katsuki, who awed at him.

"So, how did Izuku made you walk again?" Tenko asked wondering how his baby brother made his boyfriend walk.

"It's a long story." Izuku answered

"We have all day." Inko said as she took a hold of Katsuki's hand, making him sit down.

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