Chapter 45

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Katsuki opened the door for Kirshima and the two walked in, Shoto noticed that Kirishima eyes, cheeks and nose were red from crying. He was enrage, he walked up to Kirishima pulling him into him.

"What have you done to him?" Shoto asked

"I've done nothing, all we did was talk." Katsuki answered

"Stop lying to me." Shoto said

"Look stop acting all bitchy and stupid all I did was talk to him. you can ask him for yourself if you want." Katsuki replied

"Babe is it true?" Shoto asked holding Kirishima's cheek squeezing them.

Kirishima nod and smiled.

"Then why were you crying?" Shoto asked a hint of worry in his voice

"Because Katsuki and I had a talk, a good one even." Kirishima removed from Shoto's hold and hooked his arms with Katsuki.

"We are friends now." Kirishima said

Shoto smiled contentedly and he looked at Katsuki and smiled as Katsuki looked at Kirishima and smiled at the two, he came closer and engulfed the both of them in a hug. Katsuki patted his back.

He let go and smiled at Katsuki as the two of them watched as Kirishima went to sit down. Shoto turned to looked at Katsuki.

"Thank you Kat for at least forgiving Kirishima he had a hard time you know. I'm just glad that he's happy and I'm also sorry for what I did to you." Shoto said

"It's okay, everyone's doing fine, so go with Kirishima and keep an close eye on him, he's pregnant with your second child and also help him with Kiaya, she can be a handful sometimes." Katsuki said as he went to sit beside Izuku, who wrapped his arms around his neck and planted a kiss on Katsuki's forehead.

"They ask if you were pregnant because you were acting moody a while ago." Izuku whispered

"You didn't tell them about my miscarriage did you?" Katsuki whispered back

"I would never tell them such a sensitive topic, without your permission." Izuku whispered

Katsuki nod as he leaned back into Izuku.

"What are you two lovebirds talking about?" Mitsuki asked

"Stay out of our business, it's private, very private." Katsuki answered back

"Are you pregnant?" Mitsuki asked without hesitation

Katsuki looked at everyone in the room.

"No, I'm not." Katsuki answered

"Are you lying to us?" Mitsuki asked

"Mom, do you want to follow me to the bathroom and make me piss on a stick to prove my innocence?" Katsuki asked making Mitsuki nod.

Katsuki got up with Izuku and Mitsuku trailing behind him. He bent down to get out the pregnancy test, he asked for them to turn around so he can pee on it and he did.

He pulled up his pants and placed the test on the counter, closing the toilet as he took a seat on it while Izuku leaned against the bathroom counter.

"Is there something you are not telling me?" Mitsuki asked as she saw the worried and scared look in her son's face

Katsuki looked at Izuku, who got the memo and left the bathroom.

"So how did go?" Inko asked her son, who came out of the bathroom

"Mom, I know Katsuki isn't pregnant, but the test didn't show anything so we should wait until he comes out and tells us." Izuku answered

In the bathroom, Katsuki looked at his mom and to the pregnancy test on the counter.

"Tell me what's wrong." Mitsuki said

"Mom, I really want to tell you, but I'm not ready yet. When I am I can tell you without a lump stuck at my throat. I feel as if someone is stopping me from telling you and that person is me. I'm not ready." Katsuki replied

Mitsuki drop the topic and the timer went off, the two of them went to look at the test and it showed negative. Katsuki dispose of it and washed his hands before going out, where every one watched him.

"What did it say?" Inko asked

"It's negative, so can we please drop that I'm pregnant subject." Katsuki asked as he looked to see everyone nod. He went to the room and locked himself in it.

"Something happened to him I can feel it." Mitsuki said

"Just let's drop the topic, remember that we are trying and even though Katsuki's womb is in the best shape. However, we should be mindful that he was told that he couldn't have kids, so I'm begging you that we drop the subject." Izuku said as he went to the room and opened it with the key that was on the top lid of the door.

He opened the door and heard the shower running, he went inside the bathroom and looked at Katsuki, who let the water beat on his skin, Izuku slipped out of his clothes and joined Katsuki. He wrapped his arms around Katsuki's waist. Katsuki turned around and ran his fingers against Izuku's chest. Izuku captured Katsuki's lips into a kiss exploring Katsuki's mouth. Katsuki's arms wrapped around Izuku's neck pulling him down as the kiss began to get heated. Katsuki pulled away panting.

Let's wait until our parents leave." Katsuki said as he took the towel wrapping it around his waist

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