Chapter 54

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Katsuki face the doctor.

"Wait...what do you mean me and the baby are fine?" Katsuki asked

"Katsuki the blood test showed you are pregnant and the human chorionic gonadotropin tells us you are already five months in." The doctor said

"That impossible doc, my pregnancy always end with miscarriages, so Izuku and I stopped trying since. Are you sure you didn't get the tests mixed up and if I'm five months in then why am I not showing?" Katsuki asked

"Everyone's body is different, what you are experiencing right now is cryptic pregnancy, this means that if you took a pregnancy test and it showed negative and sometimes you won't experience anything like morning sickness, hormonal changes, horniness, none of those. The only way you will know is if you come and take a blood or a urine test and we test it personally. Cryptic pregnancy happens, so no Mr. Midoriya, your husband doesn't have a terminal illness, he's just pregnant. Would you like to know the gender of your baby?" Dr. Roberts asked

Katsuki's hand was shaking and Izuku took his hand into his.

"We would love too." Izuku said as the two went the hospital radiology department, Katsuki was placed on the bed as the cold gel touch his stomach, the doctor proceed move the transducer around and there the baby was moving around in the womb. Katsuki was in awe as he watched the baby moved inside of him.

"That is a powerful heartbeat." The doctor said

Katsuki and Izuku giggled.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed with a smile

"Would you like a picture?" He added

"Sure." Izuku said as the doctor gave them the sonogram.

Katsuki wiped the gel off and sat up.

"Doc, I wanted to clarify that is it okay for us to go back to our hometown, our should I be placed on bed rest?" Katsuki asked fixing his shirt.

"I understand you are worried that this pregnancy might end up like the rest, but your baby boy has one powerful heartbeat. He isn't giving you trouble either, so you can go back home, but please be mindful and not do hardwork." The doctor said making Katsuki nod

"It was nice meeting you both and congratulation on starting a family." Dr. Roberts said before leaving

Katsuki came off the bed with the help of Izuku.

"Are you going to tell our parents?" Izuku asked

"No, let them find out themselves." Katsuki answered

The two began walking out of the hospital.

"I'm really happy." Katsuki said as his hands touched his flat stomach

"I am too, but let's consider what the doctors said. No hardwork, so let me move everything in and dress the house you can tell me where to put the stuff where ever, but don't be carrying any heavy stuff." Izuku said

"Okay." Katsuki sighed

"Now we have a flight to catch and then we will wait for Shindo to come and bring out stuff." Izuku said as he went back to the apartment to collect the suitcases and placed them at the back of the car.

He drove them to the airport where a driver and the jet awaits for them. People assist them with taking their luggage inside, Izuku gave the car key to the drive and the jet set off. Izuku's hand rested on Katsuki's flat stomach, who stared at the sonogram very appeased with this results. In the end he was glad Izuku forced him to go to the hospital.

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