Chapter 8

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Izuku's home went through a big renovation, to make sure everything was in Katsukis order and everything he need was in his corner.  Izuku gave orders on how he wanted the house to be, even the two rails, for his exercise. He searched up everything that was need for Katsuki

Katsuki watched as the entire place get renovated and he was satisfied. Izuku had ordered food for them making both of them sit around the table enjoying the food in delight.

Izuku cleared the table and throw away the trash.

"Katsuki, I know this great doctor that can help you get back to your old self." Izuku said as he took Katsuki to the living room.

"How much is the cost?" Katsuki asked

"Don't worry about the expenses, I'll cover it." Izuku answered

"You know I can't do that to you, it's a great offer though." Katsuki said

"Like I said don't worry too much about it. I want and is willing to help you. All I want... no, all of us want you to be able to do the things you love." Izuku replied

"Then at least let me help with some expenses." Katsuki stated

"Okay, then we can do that, but Katsuki if it is promising and you are able to walk again. I want you to make me Katsudon." Izuku said as he took Katsuki's hand into his massaging his fingers.

"I will Deku, I will cook your Katsudon when I learn to do everything again." Katsuki replied as he held Izuku's hand into his and smile.

Izuku blushed slightly loving the warmth that came from Katsuki's palm.

"I would really love that, so let's take every day slow. We both can't snap our fingers and make you walk again. I will help every step of the way. I want you to be happy like you were when we were kids. I want to see that bright smile and even if we don't become successful, I will always help you." Izuku said

"You are such a sweet talker Deku and I know. Ever since I have gotten into the accident, I appreciate everything. It showed me that life itself is a beautiful thing and like I told my doctor the I couldn't do harm to myself, I have people I want to live for. There's apart of me that have no faith in myself, that I will no longer be able to the things I want. Time flies fast when you're spending it with someone, I had just came here and it's already been three weeks, in a blink of an eye it will be an year and I'm happy to be spending these days with you, Izuku." Katsuki stated

"And I'm happy, that you enjoy spending these days with me too. It won't take long for you to walk because I believe you can do it." Izuku said making Katsuki smile and slowly rubbed his hand against Izuku's ones. 

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