Chapter 22

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Katsuki and Izuku both had to catch a jet separate from his parents and  brother since the both of them were late. Katsuki laid on Izuku's shoulders as the plan left off.  Izuku massaged Katsuki scalp making Katsuki hum in satisfaction. The jet landed and the two went off the plan with their luggage immediately getting a car for the both of them.

Izuku drove to the hotel, he confirmed his reservation, he and Katsuki both with to their room and it was spacious. Katsuki and Izuku both changed into something formal and left for the road.

Izuku and Katsuki's hand were interlocked.

"My parents and Tenko might already be there." Izuku said

"We took too long it's going to be late." Katsuki replied

"It's because, someone got horny." Izuku stated as he parked in the driveway.

"It's you my love, you're the horny one." Katsuki said as he stretched over the storage compartment of the car. He placed  a kiss on Izuku's lips after removing the seatbelt. Izuku held behind Katsuki's head deepening the kiss.

The two pulled away for air and both came out the car retrieving the gifts from the back of the car. Izuku and Katsuki both went to the front door opening it. Katsuki and Izuku placed the gift down.

The two of them walked to the kitchen where all the commotion was. Kaminari gasped upon Katsuki's arrival.

"Oh my gosh Kat, you can walk again!" Kaminari exclaimed making the Bakugou's whipped their heads.

Katsuki's mom and dad rushed over to him engulfing him in a hug.

Izuku took Katsuki over to sit with him, but also with his parents.

"We brought gifts and I'm sorry we came late, something came up on the way here." Katsuki said

"So, Katsuki when did you learn to walk again?" Rei asked

"Almost like two months ago, it was eventful." Katsuki answered as Izuku passed the glass of water to him.

Katsuki thanked him and took a sip of the water.

"What's the special occasion for this family reunion?" Izuku asked

"Oh we just wanted a get together you know, we are expecting a new family member soon, but it was necessary for us to meet up you know, especially the good news that Katsuki can walk again." Rei answered

Izuku jaw clenched, he hated dealing with his mom's side of the family the most, this was like a fucking baby shower.

Katsuki saw Izuku's jaw clenched and wanted to change the topic.

"Anything special going on with anyone? I know Kirishima is going to give birth and Kaminari and Shinso got married. The years do fly fast." Katsuki said

"How about you Katsuki? Did anyone steal your heart in the Americas?" Enji asked

"Yeah, he definitely did." Katsuki answered with a blush.

"And their love story is cute." Tenko said, everyone awed

"Who is it?" Kaminari asked

"It's Izuku." Katsuki said and looked as he looked at Izuku

Izuku blushed.

"Don't you think it's too early to tell them?" Izuku asked

"Nope and your blushing." Katsuki awed

"You two are cute together, but I definitely need to hear how you too got together." Mitsuki said

"It's a long story." Katsuki said as he leaned on Izuku's shoulder, who wrapped his arm around Katsuki's neck pulling him close.

"C'mon, I don't think it will take that long." Kaminari replied

"Well let's make it short, when I was here at Japan. My personal doctor told me my injury was only temporary  and in the future I will be willing to walk for someone. Izuku and I were eating dinner until he asked me about something  I don't even remember... I think it was about the announcement Shoto made on Instagram. He asked me how I felt about the whole situation and to be honest I told him I didn't know what I felt.

It started with Izuku ranting about how Shoto doesn't care and he was going to leave and when I saw him going to walk through the door and my heart hurt. While be in California Izuku has been my rock, he made it to all my appointment even when he was busy. While staying there My feelings began to change and I become to like Izuku and watching him leave like that hurt especially because of me.

The house was renovated and I did some small baby steps till I found my balance and began to walk to Izuku, whose anger vanished and cheered me on. It was at that moment when I realized who in loved I was with Izuku. He was the person the doctor talked about." Katsuki explained

"That was a good love story." Masaru said happy that his son found his happiness.

"Yeah it is, but what I can say is that Kacchan never gave up, I was there to experience the pain he went through in the night after his exercise. It was painful for me to watch, but he can walk again and that's all that matters right?" Izuku said

"That was eventful, but Katsuki got over Shoto fast if you asked me." Rei said as her hand slightly covered her mouth.

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