Chapter 37

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Katsuki and Izuku made their way to the couch, he then took of his slippers and placed his feet in Izuku's lap. Izuku took a hold of Katsuki's feet and started to massage them, Katsuki groaned as Izuku placed pressure onto his feet.

"Go up." Katsuki said making Izuku go up to his ankle.

"Aren't you tired? I mean you were sea sick." Izuku asked

"No, I'm not tired." Katsuki said as he sat up and placed Izuku's head on his lap.

He began to play with Izuku curls as he looked into Izuku's emerald eyes and he felt nothing but warmth.

"You know what features I love the most about you?" Izuku stated

"What?" Katsuki questioned

"Your ruby eyes and the way it gleams when you look at me. There is this look in your eyes when you look at me. And I am glad that look is only for me." Izuku answered

"Your eyes also glimmers when you look at me, so Izuku in the future let us raise our kids with that love we have for each other." Katsuki said

Izuku's hand went behind Katsuki's head pulling him down as he levitated him self a bit as he connected his lips with Katsuki, who complied into the kiss. It was short as they didn't want to do nothing much because their parents were still around.

Everyone became to come into the living room as they watched the two. The two of them looked at those who came in. Izuku still laid in Katsuki's lap as he watched the rest take a seat.

Katsuki's eyes caught a pimple on Izuku's forehead and he was ready to pop it. He stretched for his bag and got out a pair of gloves from the side and the tweezers to pluck and shape Izuku's brows.

"Babe, you have the most gigantic and nastiest pimple I have ever seen." Katsuki exaggerated

Katsuki also pulled out the face mask.

"And this is why I tell you to come and do these things with me, but you always say that's girls stuff. I didn't taking care of your appearance is girly." Katsuki said as he positioned his fingers to pop the pimple.

He squeezed it and Izuku hissed. He squeezed the pimple until it popped, wiping the contents that came out of it. He also began shaping Izuku's brows making him flinch at every pluck. Everyone watched as Katsuki dealt with Izuku face.

Katsuki then placed the face mask onto Izuku's face timing it.

"Katsuki, that hurt." Izuku said

"I'm sorry love, but you got to take care of yourself. You are very handsome, but the minute you get a pimple, you go from a ten to an eight." Katsuki said as he took the face mask from off of Izuku and got up to dispose of it.

He came back to the chair and Izuku was sitting up. Katsuki rubbed Izuku's face and smiled.

"I wish I can do these thing with you, but you're always working." Katsuki said

"I'm afraid of those tweezers." Izuku said making Katsuki giggled

"Okay then we won't, I don't give myself a spa day everyday. It's in between." Katsuki said as he released Izuku's face

Katsuki went on his phone and Izuku looked in it, as he too began to swipe.

"We should start looking around for places in Japan." Izuku suggested

"I think so too, but I'm not ready to leave here yet, remember our doctor is here and I don't want nothing to go wrong with me or our future child." Katsuki said making Izuku nod

"So when are you two planning to go back?" Kaminari asked

"We don't know yet, like I said we always come across the topic and it's always the same answer, we will wait. Our personal doctor lives here and maybe we might have to stay here to give a safe birth." Katsuki said

"I have always dreamt of being in the delivery room with you and you're going to give birth to your baby here, now what if something comes up and we can't make it to cheer you on." Mitsuki said

Katsuki crumpled the hem of his shirt, Izuku noticed and took his hands into his.

"We understand where all of you are coming from, but what we shouldn't do is make Katsuki guilty for his decision. We don't know what could happen while Katsuki is at Japan. I mean the entire reason why Katsuki's womb was damaged was because of them. Let's wait and see if everything plays out, I mean we can still go and live back in Japan. I can always asked the doctor if he is willing to come with us back along with his family. What we don't need is stress and we all want Katsuki to give a safe pregnancy and not a life threatening one, so if the doctor gives us an all clear and we are given the option to come back then we will, but if Katsuki gets placed on bed rest until his due date, then we have to come up with plan B.

We make decision as a couple, it's Katsuki's body and if he is scared to go back to give birth then that's up to him, as I don't want him to go through no more complication again." Izuku explained making Katsuki nod

"Then we will see how this play out, so Katsuki continue to treat yourself and don't take too many medication, it damages the kidney." Mitsuki said making Katsuki nod as he leaned into Izuku's touch

"So is Katsuki pregnant? because we are talking as if he is." Kirishima asked

"No, he's not." Izuku answered

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