Chapter 32

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Katsuki and Izuku went to the hospital and Katsuki was taken to change his clothes into the hospital gown and laid on the bed as Izuku was telling him about the text messages his parents sent. Katsuki never told them about his surgery, he wanted everything to be confidential, the only person who knew about this was himself and Izuku.

Katsuki was placed on General anesthesia and was given propofol to make him fall asleep. He was taken to the surgery room while Izuku waited in the surgery area. His heart thumped against his chest because one he finally can get the chance of begin and dad and two was worried about Katsuki in the room. He ran his hand through his locks pushing it to the back.

The light came off and the door opened and the doctor walked through. He looked at Izuku before nodding his head.

"It was successful, you're going to be a father some day." The doctor said removing his mask and a smile plastered on his face.

The nurse came and took Katsuki to his respective room with Izuku trailing behind.

Katsuki looked beautiful asleep, Izuku held his hand as his thumb slowly caressed Katsuki's hand.

It took few minutes for Katsuki to wake up, it was blurry for him. Izuku helped him sit up giving him a glass of water.

"What did the doctor say?" Katsuki asked

"He said it was successful , but right now lie down back, your abdomen probably still hurts." Izuku said as he pushed Katsuki on the bed back softly.

"I want you to lay with me." Katsuki said and Izuku went on the bed pulling Katsuki into him.

The two of them fell asleep in each others embrace.

Izuku woke up first and was greet with Katsuki's face between his chest, drool leaking from his mouth. Izuku smiled at how cute he looked and pulled Katsuki closer to him.

Katsuki's eyes then fluttered open and he looked at Izuku, who had the biggest smile on his face. In minutes the doctor came in and sat beside the bed, Izuku came off and went to sat on the other side.

"You can be discharged and since your partner had already pay for the bill. I want to say that the herbal medicine you've been drinking, to continue drinking that was also a big help to fix your womb. If there is any problems then come and see me." Dr. Roberts said before leaving.

Izuku placed a peck on Katsuki's forehead before helping him up. Izuku gave Katsuki a change of clothing and went inside the bathroom with Katsuki as he watched Katsuki changed his clothes.

The two of them came out and left the hospital.

"Is your mom and dad doing okay in Japan? I mean it's been two years since the two didn't barge into your house." Katsuki said

"Their doing okay, I kinda miss them barging into my home something, but when we settled down we will go back to Japan, but we need the doctors supervision first. We will wait for months in your pregnancy and then I will hire Dr. Roberts to come with us along with his family for the months till you give a safe delivery." Izuku replied

"I love your sexy brain." Katsuki said

"I love yours too." Izuku said as he placed his hands on Katsuki's thigh, rubbing it slowly.

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