Chapter 53

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Katsuki and Izuku went back to their apartment, Izuku went back to work while Katsuki just spent his day eating, and sitting on the bean bag whilst on his phone.

Three months had passed and Izuku got to meet Shindo for the first and to his surprise, he was a vey nice guy. The two had moved everything out of the apartment. Izuku was worried about Katsuki, Katsuki had been throwing up a lot recently and he had come to the conclusion that Katsuki was pregnant, but his belly didn't show like the rest.

Katsuki laughed in his face, telling him that it was just him feeling nervous about leaving since this was the place the two had fallen in love with each other, but Izuku being the person he is was worried that maybe deep down Katsuki was pregnant, especially his trip to the bathroom every fifteen minutes.

Katsuki took a pregnancy test and to Izuku's disappoint it was negative, but he couldn't stop the feeling. The two had packed all their clothes, the sheets and pillow went with Shindo. Izuku walked in on Katsuki sitting on the ground zipping up his suitcase. He watched Katsuki got up and carried the suitcase with the rest.

"Katsuki, can we go to the hospital before we leave?" Izuku asked folding his arms against his chest.

"Honey, there is nothing wrong with me, maybe I have a week stomach bug or something." Katsuki answered

"No, we are going to the hospital, you keep saying the same thing, but if the pregnancy test came out negative.  It could be worse, it can be an early stages of stomach cancer." Izuku said

"Izuku, we have a flight to catch, there is nothing wrong with me." Katsuki argued

"We are going to the hospital and that's final." Izuku said as he dragged Katsuki to the car that he had parked in the parking lot.

Katsuki kept rambling on their way there, continuously telling Izuku nothing is wrong with him, but Izuku block him out and kept driving to the hospital. Izuku arrived to the hospital and took Katsuki in, where they were quickly admitted to a doctor office.

"Good Morning Dr. Roberts, there is something wrong with Katsuki." Izuku said

"Let me take a blood test." Dr. Roberts said pulling out his supplies from the desk and wipe the outer surface with alcohol before getting an amount of blood from Katsuki.

The doctor left the room as the two sat in silence.

"Now what will we do if nothing is wrong with me?" Katsuki asked

"Then I rest my case, I am your husband it is expected of me to worry about you, going to the bathroom every fifteen minutes, throwing up at the smell of some food and your skin has gotten a bit pale. The pregnancy test is negative Katsuki, what else could be wrong with you?" Izuku answered

Katsuki pouted.

"Just let us see what the doctor will say, okay?" Izuku said making Katsuki nod.

It took half an hour for the doctor to come in and he sat around the table.

Katsuki and Izuku listened with all ears.

"Well there is nothing wrong with you." The doctor said

"See nothing is wrong." Katsuki said cupping the other's cheek.

"Both you and the baby are fine." The doctor said

"You hear both me and the baby are fine." Katsuki said to Izuku

It took Katsuki a while to process everything.

"Wait.." Katsuki stated.

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