Chapter 49

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Katsuki did as he said and helped the men brought in some of the stuff that weren't heavy, like the box with his books, kitchen items, etc. The men brought in the chairs, the table, the couch, etc. Everything was ushered into the house and it was jammed. Katsuki was in the kitchen placing the spoons, fork, and knife into the drawer and the plate, bowls and cups in the wall cabinet, which he had to use a chair to increased his height.

He was finished and went to see that Izuku had already placed the TV on the Union Rustic Sunbury TV stand. Katsuki went for the book shelf and placed it in the corner of the wall by the TV. He organized his books and it was like his mind was absent, he did the work without stop, he didn't take break. He reached again for another book that had on 'KITCHEN' on it and saw that it was the cake mixer, the blender, pots, pressure cooker and the juicer. He dragged the box into the kitchen placing the stuff in the base cabinet. His mom also brought along more Kitchen stuff and the two stayed in the kitchen putting the stuff up and hanging up the apron and oven gloves in their rightful place.

The Kitchen was finished, the bar stools that was in front of the kitchen island, the table that was dragged and placed in a spot as the chairs decorated around it, with a table ornament in the center. It was pleasing, Katsuki went in the living room and saw that it too was finished. He saw Shoto and Izuku coming downstairs as they two dried their sweat with their shirt. Katsuki took out his phone and placed what to buy like new rugs.

"Thank you all for the help." Katsuki said as he came off his phone and smiled at the crowd.

"Well it was nice helping you two move into your new house. We placed the blankets and stuff into the wardrobe, Izuku and I took in the room." Shoto said

"Oh then thank you, Mom can you take me to the water and current company so I can enable them to our home because I noticed that there isn't water in here or current. It is very good that Japan isn't hot like it is in summer and I will also need to put my phone to charge and my laptop." Katsuki said as he write down the address from the paper onto his note on his phone. He went for his messenger bag and slung it onto his shoulder.

Katsuki placed his phone into the his bag and his mother walked through the door with him leaving his dad behind.

Katsuki sat in the front seat as his mother started to drive.

"Aren't you mad at what Izuku said?" Mitsuki asked

"I honestly don't give a fuck about what he says, at the end of the day I am loyal and give him all my love and if he doesn't trust me then I don't know what to say." Katsuki answered

"You know it's okay to not be okay, we all saw how hurt you were when Izuku said that and in reality Katsuki it should be expected of you to feel hurt when all you did was only worry about ways to get everything in order for the both of to start and live your lives happily." Mitsuki said

"It's not that I even talked to guy that much all we did was tell each other that the two of us will be moving back to our home country and I told him this in front of his partner. We were never alone and much less I offered to pay them, but decline since I was a old school friend. I really don't want to cry right now, I was glad when the movers came because fuck, I would have cried infront of everyone." Katsuki said as his mom rubbed his back, soothing him.

The two arrived and the first thing that was installed was the current and then they went over to the water service company and then installed the water. Katsuki went over to the internet company and also installed it, it would have taken them two days to installed the internet but for the water and current that was installed immediately.

Katsuki and Mitsuki went back to the house and saw everyone on their phone in the couch. Katsuki placed his bag on the coat hanger before going to check to see if the water was in and he did so with the current and to his surprised everything was in. He placed the cardboard box in each other before going outside disposing it in the garbage bin. He then went upstairs to see the futon on the top of the wardrobe and the room looked very spacious, he thought of getting rid of the wardrobe as they have a walk in closet. He looked in the walk in closet to see where could the blankets be put and he found the place for all of them. He folded the sheets and blanket neatly placing it in its now spot, he also placed the four pillows specifically for that room only before placing the pillows, sheet and blanket on the top of the wardrobe. He went outside and began dragging the bed frames to the other room and it was making quite a lot of noise. He dried the sweat droplets that form on his face, He went back downstairs and got the wrench and pliers before going back upstairs and fix the bed to its original way.

He pulled the mattress in and placed it on the bed before going into his room and getting the sheet, blankets and pillows and went back to spread the bed. He got the night stand and placed beside the bed with a fake plant on it. He went to the guest bathroom and wrote down what he will be needing for both bathroom on his phone. It was pleasing that the room was soon finished only the bathroom was left.

Katsuki was going on a shopping spree tomorrow with his mom and dad. He went back downstairs and sat in the chair beside his mom.

"I am finished with the guest room only a few more decoration here and there, but I need to go shopping for more stuff so that will be tomorrow. Can you and dad come with me?" Katsuki asked

"Yeah we will come, but what about Izuku will he come also?" Mitsuki answered already tired of the two who gave each other the silent treatment.

"He can come." Katsuki said as he went back onto his phone writing down things that they need. He groaned and laid back into the chair as sleepiness was already taken over his tired body.

Katsuki had fallen asleep in the chair and when he woke the house was dark and everyone was gone. A blanket was placed over, he got up to see no Izuku. He shifted his foot to the side and placed his flashlight on his phone and went upstairs to see Izuku sleeping on the futon in their shared room. At this point Katsuki was mad, very mad. He understand Izuku was mad at, but the two always resolve their problems in the bedroom talking to each other, It was like their safe place. Katsuki didn't realized that the tears from his eyes fell to his cheek, he turned his heel and went to the guest room as he cried his eyes out, Izuku was just being petty.

Katsuki cry until he fell back to sleep again. Kuddos to him who said that he doesn't give a fuck, but deep down he does.

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