Chapter 7

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Katsuki was amazed as he continuously stared through the window, Izuku watched him with fondness, finally get back his childhood friend into his grasp.

The jet landed and a driver was already there, Izuku gave the same command to the men. Izuku carried Katsuki to car buckling his (Katsuki’s) seatbelt for him making sure. He was in and secured. His luggage was in and the driver went on his way.

Katsuki and Izuku were there talking to each other as Katsuki traced out the design of the cloth his mother made.

The arrived at the apartment building and it was huge, it made Katsuki think if this building was really an apartment or a company. The driver parked the car and Izuku and Katsuki went to the elevator being followed by the helpers who had their luggage. Katsuki watched as the movers went into Izuku's apartment and his mouth dropped.

"Izuku, are you sure this is an apartment? It look like those penthouse in dramas." Katsuki said as he watch the elegant Japanese style of the house.

"I had to bring back a part of Japan with me, so I decorated my home like any normal home in Japan." Izuku replied

"Oh boy, this is too much, are you sure you don't mind me living here?" Katsuki asked

"I wouldn't have asked you to come all the way here, if I was going to change my mind. All you need do is sit back and relax and let me help you." Izuku answered

"I can't thank you enough for all of this. I'm very grateful for you, Deku." Katsuki said making Izuku blushed

"It was nothing, I'm just happy to help you, that's all." Izuku said

"We're finish boss." One of the men said from the group

"Everything is arranged neatly, correct?" Izuku asked

"Just like you asked." He answered

"Okay then you can leave." Izuku said making the group of men leave.

"So, you moved here for your father's business?" Katsuki asked

"That's correct, I would have never left if it wasn't for that. I left the person I love dearly behind." Izuku answered

"Love? you still love that person huh?" Katsuki asked

"Yeah, I hope he can love me back." Izuku answered

"I hope he will, you're a very kind person." Katsuki said

"I hope he does, but with time. Time heals all wounds." Izuku replied

"It sure does." Katsuki uttered

"It will, we've both came to far to give up now." Izuku said giving Katsuki a smile.

"It's very good that we get to meet each other again." Katsuki replied

"I know right, so during your stay enjoy it to the best." Izuku said

"I will thank you." Katsuki replied admiring the place.

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