Chapter 57

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Izuku and Katsuki was out buying groceries and party stuff. Izuku paid for the stuff and we left. Izuku placed the stuff down and looked at Katsuki who began to place what needs to be cooked on the counter.

"You know Katsuki, I'm beginning to notice that your boobs has gotten bigger." Izuku said making Katsuki stop and look at his man tits.

"Isn't it because I'm working out." Katsuki replied

"Katsuki, don't lie to yourself, ever since I met you and begin to live with you there wasn't day you went to the gym." Izuku said

"I am lying to myself, it's because of your big-headed baby Izuku." Katsuki quarreled

"Hey, our baby doesn't have a big head." Izuku said

"I will look like a fucking piñata when your baby stop acting mysterious and begins to show." Katsuki stated rubbing his flat stomach.

"Just give him time, he must be shy." Izuku said as he placed his hand on top of Katsuki's

"But I also want to know what change too." Izuku said as his hands lowered to Katsuki's ass giving it a light squeezed as he began to fondle with it.

"Your ass has also gotten softer and tender." Izuku added making Katsuki blush furiously. He swatted Izuku's hand away.

"Prevert." Katsuki said

Izuku went close to Katsuki as he began to kiss Katsuki's neck and nibbled on his ear.

"Remember what the doctor said, you are going to be horny and I will have to please you." Izuku said

"Babe, we need to wait, the p-party." Katsuki said

"Fuck the party." Izuku replied as he pulled down Katsuki's pants along with his boxers. Izuku took out his cock from his pants before slowly pushing in the tip making Katsuki tip-toed

" goodness." Katsuki moaned as Izuku slowly thrust into him

Katsuki was bent over the counter taking all of Izuku in, his cum splattered onto the counter wall while Izuku did a few more thrust and slammed into Katsuki, cumming inside of him. The two of them came down from their high. Izuku placed his cock back into his pants while watching the cum drain from Katsuki's hole that was clenching against nothing.

"How bad I want to give you more, but we need to start decorating for our party." Izuku said

"You will decorate for this party, asshole. I need to take a fucking shower." Katsuki replied picking up his pants and boxer that was on the ground as he made his way upstairs. Izuku was downstairs doing minro decorating. Few mintues after Katsuki came down and proceed to start making the food with Izuku helping him.

Katsuki began to bake the cake while Izuku placed the beers in the freezer along with the soda.

"Katsuki, you are not allowed to put a glass of wine or drink any beers." Izuku said

"At least one?" Katsuki asked

"Nope, I will take it away from you." Izuku answered

"What do you expect me to drink?" Katsuki asked as his hands rested on his hips.

"There is soda and water." Izuku answered

Katsuki pouted and nod.

Food and dessert were placed on the counter.

"Izuku, if anyone comes let them in. I want to change my clothes." Katsuki said as he went upstairs to the two shared before going through his clothes finding the right outfit. He placed on a white t-shirt tucked into a baggy dark blue jeans. The door opened and Izuku walked in and went to the shower.

Katsuki went in the bathroom.

"No one is down there right?" Katsuki asked

"No, so I thought it would be okay for me to come and take a shower." Izuku answered

Katsuki walked out of the bathroom making his way downstairs when he heard the doorbell. He opened the door to see his parents there with gifts in their hands.

"I'm sorry Kat, we forgot this was a housewarming party, so we went to buy house items as gifts." Mitsuki said as the changed into the house slippers.

"It's okay, we just finished with getting everything together." Katsuki said placing a kiss on both his parents cheek.

The two of them walked in.

"Where's Izuku?" His dad asked

"Izuku's in the shower right now." Katsuki answered placing the gifts down

"So it's only us here and I thought we were going to be late." Mitsuki said as she took a seat in the couch.

"Atleast you're here, I like that you both came first." Katsuki replied

Katsuki looked back to see Izuku coming downstairs in flat front brown pants and a light blue shirt.

"Oh you guys are here." Izuku said

"Yeah when are your parents going to come Izuku?" Mitsuki asked

"Oh they said that they will be here soon along with everyone. My parents went to pick up Keigo, Tomura and the kids from the airport. They went with the Todoroki's too." Izuku explained

"Oh okay." Mitsuki said turning back to her son.

"Kaminari and Shinso will be here any moment with their two daughters. I don't think you remembered, but the first daughter look a lot like Shinso, but the newborn looks like Kaminari." Mitsuki said

"I wonder what Kat's baby going to look like." Masaru said

"I wonder what it look like too." Katsuki replied

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