Chapter 31

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The jet landed and both of them boarded off the jet. Izuku placed both his and Katsuki's luggage at the back of the car. The driver left the airport, the two had their fingers laced with one another. The driver stopped and Izuku noticed that they had already arrive to the apartment.

"So what's our next chapter in our lives?" Katsuki asked

"To love each other with all our hearts." Izuku answered as he wrapped his arms around Katsuki's waist pulling him closer to him. The two shared a long sweet kiss. Katsuki hugged Izuku loving the warmth.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months turned into years. The two had made a journey of two and a half years together and they both love each other very much. Kaminari and Kirishima both gave birth successfully. Izuku and Katsuki took one day at a time and they eventually brought up the talk of being married or having kids.

Izuku came home and Katsuki was in the couch waiting for him.

"Love, I'm home!" Izuku exclaimed

Katsuki went to greet him with a kiss on the lips and got the food from out of his hands. Katsuki went to the kitchen and placed the food on the counter as he took out the bowl of spicy noodles from the restaurant and Katsudon for himself.

"I went to talk to the doctor today and set an appointment for us for your womb." Izuku said as he took his food and went around the table along with Katsuki

"What time do we need to go?" Katsuki asked

"At 10 in the morning." Izuku answered

"Okay." Katsuki answered as he began eating his food.

"I want us to be positive maybe there is a way for us to bear children." Izuku said making Katsuki nod.

"I am positive, I was willing to walk for you, then I will be willing to give you a child because I love you." Katsuki said causing Izuku to blush madly.

"I love you so much Kat." Izuku said with a big smile.

The two did their chores together and went to bed.

Katsuki snuggled into Izuku more loving the warmth, Izuku's body was giving. He looked at the time at it was already 8am in the morning, Izuku pulled Katsuki close to him also loving the warmth.

"We should get ready." Katsuki said

Izuku started pecking Katsuki lips not wanting to let go, he spent most of his morning snuggling up to a sleeping Katsuki. The two got ready and went to the doctors, Izuku helped Katsuki out the car. The two went to the private doctor and took a seat in his office after he allowed them in.

Katsuki's and Izuku's finger were entwined with each other as the doctor pulled out his clipboard.

"Hello, my name is James Roberts and I'm going to ask a few questions okay?" He said

The both of them nod

"I know you are here for your womb, so has Izuku ejaculated inside you yet?" Doctor Roberts asked

Katsuki shook his head indicating a no.

"Have you been using any contraceptive?" He asked to which Katsuki nod his head.

"Okay, I asked this because Izuku can use the pull out method, so Katsuki if Izuku hasn't ejaculated in you yet, how do you know if you can't get pregnant?" Dr. Roberts asked

"When I was living in Japan, I got into a car accident the doctors said that I won't be able to walk temporarily and because a sharp object pierced through my stomach it damaged my womb." Katsuki explained

"I as your personal doctor won't give you false hope however, we will do a Hysteroscopy to see if it is able to fix whatever is wrong with womb. I can't do miracles and if we succeed with whatever damages. Then we all can celebrated." Dr. Roberts said

"What is a Hysteroscopy? Katsuki asked

"It is a way for us to visualise your inside to see what's the problem with your womb, it can not also be you be also your partner not only people who has womb go through infertility. While performing this it also us to give you your diagnose and if it needs surgery then we can do that." Dr. Roberts said

Katsuki and Izuku nod.

"Then let's go to the examination room to see what's wrong with you." Dr. Roberts stated making the couple get up and left, following behind.

"Izuku, I'm scared." Katsuki whispered

Izuku pulled Katsuki closer to him kissing his forehead.

"Don't worry about it too much." Izuku whispered back.

They all reached the examination room and Katsuki was asked to change into the hospital gown. Katsuki laid on the bed when the thin, lighted tube entered Katsuki showing inside of his uterus. Dr. Roberts write down something on his clipboard before pulling the thing out of Katsuki, the nurse came for the Hysteroscope. Katsuki was allowed to go back and change into his clothed and the two of them walked back to the doctors office.

"Okay Katsuki, your womb is fixable. I had found the problem and it all has to deal with your fallopian tube. If my guess was not wrong, like you said you had a car accident and a sharp object entered your stomach. It may have been the past abdominal surgery you received. I guess it was because the doctors in Japan was trying to save your life that it may have caused it. People come in here to get their womb fixed  and some were successful and some weren't. You can come back tomorrow to the surgery, since we did the examination and found the problem then we will proceed." Dr. Roberts explained

Katsuki and Izuku left the hospital smiling ear to ear.

"Kacchan, we can get your womb fixed, we will be able to have our baby." Izuku exclaimed like a child

"I know." Katsuki said breathing out a relieved sigh.

He too was indeed happy to start a family with Izuku, but it was definitely going to be after the two had gotten married.


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