Chapter 17

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Katsuki and Izuku both went to the doctor turns out Katsuki could walk now, even though there will be some pain, here and there. He wouldn’t give up without a fight.

Izuku went to his private doctor that dealt with Katsuki, the doctor made him do the final step of his recovery which is Ambulation. He walked on his own and his doctor was proud of him.

Izuku and Katsuki both sat in front of the doctor hand in hand ready to hear the thoughts of the doctor.

“Well, firstly I want to say congratulations to Katsuki Bakugou, you’ve done great. You can now walk properly again. However, even though you can walk please note that there are things you should refrain yourself from doing. You will still need some assistance with driving as you are just beginning to walk on your own once more. We ask of this because some people end up re-injuring themselves again. We also ask that you still continue with your daily exercise and medications. Also please don’t run, let your spine get use to walking again first.” The doctors said writing down something on a paper handing it to Katsuki.

"This is the medication you should get and these are the types of food you should eat atleast till you recover fully.” The doctor added.

“Thanks doc.” Katsuki said as both him and Izuku went to buy the medication and also the grocery store.

“Are you doing to tell your parents?” Izuku asked

“No, I’m not going to tell them. It will be when I got back to Japan.” Katsuki answered

Katsuki placed the stuff down into the cart, Izuku kissed Katsuki’s temple.

“What should we do now since you know how to walk again?” Izuku asked

“I really want to go to the beach.” Katsuki answered

“Then if you want to go to the beach, give me a kiss.” Izuku said making Katsuki tip-toed placing a kiss on Izuku’s lips.

A blush spread across on Katsuki’s cheek.

“You look so cute, when you blush like that.” Izuku said receiving a pinch in the side from Katsuki.

He rubbed the pain away as he smiled at Katsuki and received a smile back.

Katsuki and Izuku went back home hand in hand. It has been an eventful day and the two, order food.

Katsuki helped Izuku around the house doing minor chores before the two of them went to bed.

Katsuki played with Izuku’s green locks.

“I won’t stop telling you, how much I am proud of you or how much I love you. When we have kids, I’ll surely tell them about this, how their mom walked to stop their dad from leaving. I have loved you for years and I will love you for a thousand more. We will be able to have kids Katsuki, just like how you were able to walk. Even if it is one kid, then I’ll be satisfied with our baby. I will love them unconditionally, if we met in a next life. I won’t ever leave you again, I will find you and tell you how much I love you, so you won’t love anyone other me.” Izuku said

“I’m very happy that you have hope in our future and hope that we will be able to have kids. I want to write a book about this, about my life. I want the world to know that they can fight against their struggles just like me. I didn’t love you before, but like you said, I will love you for a thousand years and more. It sounds so sappy, but whatever we’re doing. I want us to get to know each other better and love each other more. I’m very happy.” Katsuki said as he snuggled more into Izuku, who blushed crazily.

He was happy too, too happy.

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