Chapter 5

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Months passed Katsuki finally received his diploma in his hand even though he did not attend graduation, but he graduated at what cost.

Kaminari and him both got ready as they were attending Shoto’s wedding, he no longer hated him like he used to, but he would have lied if he didn’t feel anything for him. It’s been 6 years the two have been together, how can someone lose feelings that easily.

Katsuki will end everything with Shoto on this very day, He will take the advice from doctor and let Shoto go for good. Let all the bad things that Shoto did to him, he will always hold a place in his heart for Shoto until someone comes along and fills that space.

Kaminari and Katsuki both enter the venue as he watched how handsome Shoto looked and how elegant Kirishima looked as he walked down the aisle. He watched them and saw how Shoto had tears running down his face as he watched Kirishima come closer to him.

Katsuki smiled at them being at peace with them and with himself.

He watched as the two gave their vows, putting on the rings on each other’s finger, the pastor blessing them as husbands and finally kissing each other. Katsuki clapped with the crowd.

The newlyweds made their way down the aisle together. Kaminari placed Katsuki around the table with the Todoroki’s and the newlyweds who enjoyed having his company.

Katsuki pulled out the brief case, he brought with him and placed in front of the Todoroki’s.

"What’s this?” Enji asked

"Open it.” Katsuki answered making Enji open it.

In the briefcase was the 6,000,000 yen.

"You know we don’t need this back, right?” Rei said

"I know, but I’m giving it back. I just don’t want to hold no ties with Shoto or any of you. I hope you don’t take this offensive, but my doctor said to be at peace with these two and I am finally.” Katsuki replied

Katsuki took the red small box from Kaminari’s hand and gave it back to Shoto making him open the box.

"You know I bought this for you right?” Shoto stated

"I know and I’m giving it to the buyer, I hope that you and Kirishima will have a happier ever after. I will try to find mines.” Katsuki said

"I feel like it’s more than that.” Natsuo said

"It is, I’m leaving in two days, I will go and live in the Americas to get better treatment and leave my past and sorrow in Japan. I came to tell you this as you all felt like a second family to me.

I will come back it will probably take years. My parents know and Kaminari here knows and they all wish me a good farewell. I hope I didn’t take away the spot light from the newlyweds today, so let’s all enjoy ourselves because tomorrow isn’t promising.” Katsuki said with a smiled and strolled away from the table to go beside  his parents.

It was the time for the newlyweds to dance when Katsuki saw a group of people walk in followed by bodyguards. The people that walked in the tall young man that was probably around Shoto’s age had green hair and probably his mother also had green hair and a man with white and semi-black hair along with another tall young man with blue hair.

“Kacchan!” The guy-hair guy yelled making everyone whip their heads to person who shouted.

Katsuki looked at him and smile contentedly as the guy skipped over to Katsuki.

“I didn’t know you would have been to my cousin’s wedding.” Izuku said as he smiled with Katsuki

“Yeah, your cousin is my ex and I came to give his family the money back for the hospital bill they paid.” Katsuki explained

Izuku pulled out a chair to sit in front of Katsuki.

“You were doing fine when I left, how comes you’re in a wheelchair?” Izuku asked

“It’s only temporary if I get the right therapy, I got into a car accident because I found out Shoto was cheating on me with his now wife.” Katsuki answered

“I really missed you.” Izuku said as he moved the strands of hair from Katsuki’s face.

“I missed you too, I mean we lost contact with each other ever since you moved.” Katsuki replied

“Yeah, turns out my dad’s business trip turned out to be us living in the Americas for years, the breakdown I had when I realized I was going to stay there to live, you know I still have that teddy bear you gave me.” Izuku said as Katsuki let out a chuckle.

“I’m going to live in the Americas too, so I can get this treatment and therapy over with.” Katsuki replied

“Where I live have the best medical treatment, maybe we can cohabit together.” Izuku said smirking towards Katsuki finally getting the chance to get his old best friend back to himself.

“I love the offer maybe I should think about it.” Katsuki replied

“Well, you should think quickly I have a free room and considering your situation I can be personal caretaker.” Izuku said

“Then it’s an okay for me. Thank you, Deku.” Katsuki said and smile at him.

“Do you want to dance?” Izuku asked

“Do you not see my condition?” Katsuki answered

“You can stand on my feet, don’t worry I’m strong.” Izuku said as he pulled Katsuki up and immediately wrapped his arms around Katsuki’s waist and placed his feet under Katsuki’s who wrapped his arms around Izuku’s neck.

“You aren’t even heavy Katsuki.” Izuku said making Katsuki rest his head on Izuku’s chest as Izuku took baby steps to not let Katsuki fall from his hold.

Everyone who was on the dance floor came off and watched the two, Katsuki removed his head Izuku’s chest and stared into Izuku’s eyes. Katsuki’s parents along with Izuku’s parent took pictures of the two. The sound finished and Izuku scooped Katsuki up as if he was nothing and walked back to their seats placing Katsuki back into his wheelchair.

“Thank you for tonight Izuku, it made me feel alive again.” Katsuki said

“No problem.” Izuku replied

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