Chapter 4

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Katsuki was admitted from out of the hospital, he had to use a wheel chair to get around and this made his home change tremendously. His parents had to renovate their house.

Katsuki was still able to go to school for a diploma's sake, he would always get put in the same class with Shoto for Math or English lesson. It was as if the world was against him, when the teachers put him in a group with Shoto and Kirishima, but he sat in front of the class. It would always be Kaminari escorting him every way or people who just wanted to help and delivery him to Kaminari's classroom.

Katsuki cut his hair that grew long, it made him long like a woman, so he gave it a simple cut.

Kaminari was pushing Katsuki as the two joked about the guy in his class. He saw Shoto coming his way and he put his head down.

"Kat..." Shoto uttered

Kaminari pushed the chair right passed Shoto ignoring the figure.

"I've got half of the money, my parents said that they will help me put the half." Katsuki said

"Then that's good, I also have money to give you." Kaminari replied

The two walked out the gate and Katsuki saw his parents' vehicle. His dad came out and carried him in his arms and placed him in the back seat while Kaminari put the wheel chair in the trunk.

The ride home was quiet as usually. Mitsuki turned to Katsuki taking his hand into hers giving it a soft peck.

"I hope you know that we love you regardless of your condition, we want to say that Shoto and Kirishima had asked us to help design their wedding suits and we wanted to consult you first." Mitsuki said as she rubbed her thumb softly against Katsuki's hand.

"I could never do that to you both, if they asked you to do it so be it." Katsuki said as he placed his other hand over his mother's one.

"I just don't want you to feel as if we are forgiving them, so easily. Shoto hurt you and you're our only child. I have faith that you will be able to walk again and that you will be able to have kids again." Mitsuki said as she stretched over to give Katsuki a kiss on the cheek.

When they arrived, a car parked in front of their home and Katsuki recognized it as Shoto's car. His dad went out and got the wheelchair out as he proceeded to take Katsuki out the car. Katsuki pulled out his earphones and phone. He placed his earphones in his ear and placed the it on full blast. His parents greeted Shoto and Kirishima and let them enter their home. Katsuki pulled out his earphone and placed his phone on the table.

He strolled himself to the kitchen and went to the refrigerator and got out the apple juice and poured a glass for himself.

He saw Kirishima in front of him.

"Can I help you?" Katsuki asked

"I just want to apologize for what Sho and I did to you and I hope we can all put this behind us." Kirishima answered with a bright smile.

Katsuki finally knew why Shoto love Kirishima. It was probably how elegant the red color dye in his hair brought out his bright smile, the black roots that could be definitely seen. Kirishima was undeniably beautiful.

"I see you're doing this for Todoroki, the person that he loved for six years hates his gut with a burning passion. We can't put this behind us Kirishima, it's not like any of us can snap our fingers and reverse the past. My life is ruined, it was perfect so perfect, but you and Todoroki did unimaginable things behind my back.

If he wanted to things to end in a different situation, he could have broke up with me. It would have hurt, it would have suck, but it would have been different. I have to learn knew things or get used to this life style. I can never ever forgive the both of you even if I die." Katsuki said as he strolled passed Kirishima.

Kirishima was stunned every word that came out of Katsuki's mouth was true. He watched as Katsuki's figure disappeared and he went to Shoto who was still getting his measurement.

Katsuki was in the living room with his parents as he watched them take Shoto's measurement. Kirishima went back and settled in the sofa as it was going to be his turn next.

The doorbell rang and Masaru went to check it out and saw that it was Katsuki's doctor. He greeted the family and found his way to Katsuki.

"Umm...can you give us a moment?" Mitsuki asked making Shoto and Kirishima nod

"Well, I came to do my weekly report. Is there anything wrong with you today, Katsuki?" The doctor proceeded to ask

"Nothing out of the ordinary except the pains I get every night in my arms, it will get cramp up so bad that I can feel myself not able to move." Katsuki answered

"It's going to happen, you're going to get pains you've never felt before and Katsuki what I can tell you is that you are surrounded with good people, your mom, dad and even that yellow haired guy. I don't want to see you giving up on yourself, you have good potential and I want to tell you Katsuki even though you have good people with you..." The doctor paused

"There is going to be someone you're going to be willing to walk for." The doctor said with a smile receiving a warm smile from Katsuki too.

"Whenever you're ready Kat, we can offer you therapy." The doctor said

"We've seen many cases like this and what we can say that you're one lucky person, I'm not saying to intervene into family problem but to move on and forgive that bi-color haired and red-haired dude. I'm saying this so you can have steadfast recovery, I want to build a relationship with all my clients." The doctor said

"I will make you know and thank you for such heartwarming words, I will definitely find someone that will make me willing to walk again." Katsuki said with a bright smile

The smile fell from his face.

"I will admit that it may take time for me to forgive them, but they don't go through the pain I do, countless pains or headaches, can't be able to do the things I use to. I mean fuck, I can't even cook the way I used to again. I'm afraid of bright white lights. They were times when I just want to drown myself in the tub as I bathed." Katsuki said with his head hung low tears falling to his pants as the doctor rubbed his back, comforting him.

"K...Kat" Todoroki uttered

Katsuki lifted his head and looked at the doctor. He saw his front door opening revealing Kaminari.

"But how can I do that, I will hurt my parents, even Kaminari. I will hurt the people who said few good words to me and in the end, I will hurt myself. I can never hurt them, no matter how much I hurt." Katsuki said as Kaminari rushed over him and engulfed him.

"I'm so proud of you for hanging on for us Katsuki and I want you to know that you should never give up." Kaminari said as he kissed Katsuki's temple making Katsuki nod.

"I love that you get to communicate your feelings with us, for some people they hold everything in and it always resulted in suicide." The doctor said as he began to pack his things to leave.

The doctor left and Mitsuki continued taking the measurement for Kirishima and it finished quickly making the couple bid their goodbyes and left.

The doctor was right, Katsuki will meet someone he is willing to walk for you, maybe that person will take years to come, he will wait maybe in will be in his next life, but he will still wait.

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