Chapter 24

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All three of them walked to the garden and Izuku's and Katsuki's fingers were interlocked

"I just wanted to say, congratulations on walking again and also congratulation on finding love again. I was very disappointed in the way how our son treated you. We all were devastated, we thought that you and Shoto were gonna get married and live a happy life. However, I see the way Izuku looks at you and the way you look at him and even though I'm not related to you both to that extent of sharing blood. I give you both my blessings. Shoto is happy with his new life and Katsuki you should be happy with yours too. I feel extremely proud of you for how far you've come and maybe with the right treatment you can fix your womb. However, there are many ways of having children.

I wish you both happiness and I hope that you two communicate your feelings. I've been in a relationship with your aunt for years, we know how relationship works and please don't be mad at your aunt, though you have every right too. She regrets leaving your mother behind. I'm getting old so I at least want to see kids from you both and I hope we get to see each other often. You two make a great couple better than when you were with Shoto and that's fact." Enji said

"Thank you Uncle Enji, we will take your advice. It was nice speaking with you maybe Izuku can apologize tomorrow." Katsuki

"Whatever is pleasing to you young folks." Enji said with a smile before he left.

Katsuki and Izuku both left and went to the hotel. Katsuki sat in the chair of the hotel. Izuku came and sat beside Katsuki.

"I'm still sorry about today." Izuku said as he lay on Katsuki's laps.

"You're still on that, you have every right to vent your feelings. It's better than to bottled everything up." Katsuki replied

"But still I ruined it for everyone and you were happy." Izuku said

"Let's stop, you can apologize tomorrow, let's take uncle Enji's word." Katsuki replied as he leaned down to kiss Izuku's lips.

"He's very nice,I thought he would have scolded us." Izuku said

"Yeah, he is." Katsuki replied

"I love you." Izuku said making Katsuki blushed

"I love you too." Katsuki said as he continued to play with Izuku's hair.

"I'm happy, we're happy." Izuku said

"Me too, I'm happy." Katsuki replied

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