Chapter 56

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Shindo came as he said and also the people that Izuku called for helping him organized the appliances in their spots. It was around noon when everything was done, the home finally felt like a home. Katsuki finished with spreading their bed.

Katsuki went back downstairs to Izuku.

"Do you think we should start buying the stuff for the party tomorrow?" Izuku asked

"Yeah we should, we are finished with the house." Katsuki answered

"I love how it is decorated." Izuku said

"I wonder who my mom will take the news of me being pregnant, this will be her first grandchild and let me tell you, he will definitely be spoilt." Katsuki replied

"I know and this will be the first grandson for my parents too." Izuku replied

"Our little Ikuyo." Katsuki said

"You remembered the name that I want to call our son!" said Izuku with joy written all over his face.

"Of course I remembered, have you told your everyone about the party tomorrow?" Katsuki asked

"Yes I did, even Tomura and Keigo are coming too, I think they're at my parents right now." Izuku answered

Katsuki spaced out and then he looked at Izuku,

" know, I would really love to have some grapes right now." Katsuki said sniffling.

"Oh baby why are you crying?" Izuku asked

"I want grapes." Katsuki answered burying his face into Izuku's chest, sniffling.

"Oh does Ikuyo wants grapes?" Izuku asked

"Yes." Katsuki answered

"Then wait here, I'll go buy some grapes and food for us to eat." Izuku said kissing Katsuki's forehead.

Izuku grabbed his car keys before leaving and Katsuki went and sat in the couch waiting for Izuku to come back. He was on his phone as he made a list of what to get for his son.

Izuku came back with the grapes in his hands and went to the kitchen to wash and dry the grapes before placing it in a bowel giving it to Katsuki as he watched Katsuki eat the grapes with delight. Izuku hands went to Katsuki's flat stomach as he slowly caress it.

"Are you going to make the food tomorrow or are we going to order?" Izuku asked

"I'm going to make the food and I'm also going to bake a cheesecake." Katsuki answered

Katsuki was done with the grapes, so he got up and placed the dish into the sink.

"Are you sleepy since you ate?" Izuku asked making Katsuki nod

"Then let's go to bed." Izuku added as the two of them went to bed.

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