Chapter 36

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Katsuki was taken to the beach, though his ass still hurt. Izuku placed him on one of the beach chairs making sure it was comfy for his bottom.

The two began making plans with each other and decided that they both want to go back to live in Japan the moment Katsuki gets pregnant, so he could be around the people who will give him comfort and will be there to help him get through a safe and successful pregnancy.

"I love that it's only us and the cooks." Katsuki said as he look

"Me too, I like that we can make plans with each other and all our burdens comes off our shoulder. I'm happy that we made this big step in our lives. I get to be yours and you get to be mine." Izuku said as he placed his hand on Katsuki's thigh.

"I'm happy too, you probably get tired of me telling you how much I'm thankful for you. I'm happy that I get to love and be loved again and thank you for pulling me out of my lowest point. I love you Izuku." Katsuki said as he took Izuku's hand into his kissing Izuku's knuckles.

The older came closer and placed a kiss on the younger's lips as the two deeply kissed each other with love and  passion.

"When we have kids let's bring them here along with our famalies." Izuku suggested making Katsuki nod

"I love the idea." Katsuki said

Izuku smiled.

"Do you want to go swimming?" Izuku asked making Katsuki nod.

And that was how their honeymoon went, loving making, swimming, connecting with each other and eating. It was time for them to go back home and the honeymoon was now over. Izuku thought it was best to go to his parents old house since that was where everyone was staying for the while.

The two had arrived, after leaving their luggage at home and made their way to Izuku's parents old home. The two enter the house and went inside and made their way to the kitchen and saw everyone having their breakfast.

"So are we going to expect a grandchild?" Mitsuki asked

"Hell no, I was enjoying my honeymoon by being in bed sleeping." Katsuki answered

"So we won't be getting grandkids at your prehistoric age?" Mitsuki asked and her questions were already ticking Katsuki off and Izuku saw it.

"Aunt Bakugo, what Katsuki meant that we weren't into that at the moment not until Katsuki says he's ready." Izuku said making his arms snake around Katsuki's waist pulling him closer to himself.

"Well we'll leave you lovebirds alone. We just don't want grandkids at the point when we're only skin and bones and can't lift them." Mitsuki said

"Are you tired let's rest in the chair for a bit?" Izuku asked not wanting the two hot-headed blonde to start.

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