Chapter 47

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Katsuki spent his days packing and throwing away things the two of them did not need, Izuku was there to help too only for a little bit though since he had to go back to work. The only reason why he was there was because Katsuki was afraid of throwing away some important document for Izuku. They only had out what they needed, that included four towels, a cups, plate and cutlery, the chairs and the couch The boxes were filled with unneeded pillows, towels, sheets, blanket, etc Katsuki went to throw out the garbage from cleaning the house. The one corner of the apartment were stuffed with boxes.

The door open and Izuku walked right through. He set down his briefcase and Katsuki made his way over to Izuku planting a kiss on the taller's lips. Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki waist pulling him closer, continuously placing kisses on Katsuki's lips.

"The movers are coming here tomorrow to come and get these boxes and then when they notify us that they made it to Japan then we will go there and start unpacking."  Izuku said as Katsuki came out of his hold.

Katsuki finished packing the books that were on his shelf into the box.

"I can't believe we will be back home in a couple of months." Katsuki said as he looked at the stocked boxes.

"I know you wanted to go back early, I'm sorry that I still need to finalize everything at the office." Izuku said as he wrapped his arms around Katsuki's waist.

"It's not a problem, you asked if I wanted to go back and I told you no. I would rather stay here than to go back to a house without you in it." Katsuki replied as he leaned into Izuku.

"I know you wanted to go back early to enjoy times with your parents, but work came into our way. However,  I am glad you stayed with me, it is very pleasing coming back home to you. I'm really enjoying this married life." Izuku said

"I know and I love giving you kisses when you come home, I think it will be boring without you there with me, so when you finalize with your company then we can enjoy our home life together and not just me rearranging everything in our home. I heard from the people that sell the house that the interior designers have built and decorate the house as we want. I also had asked for supervision when decorating takes place because I don't want cameras or anything to invade or privacy, so since we bought the house and have the people decorate it to our liking the only thing left is for us to sign the contract when we go back. I have contact with the people and they will know when we arrive, so by that time they will be at the house for us to sign the documents."  Katsuki replied

"I love how you take care of these informations, I mean I honestly forgot we bought a house at one point." Izuku stated

"I'm not the breadwinner, but I somewhat feel like I am the head of the house, but there is no head of the house. We are both adults and we both have the same value and we want to give as much love to each other.     I will never leave this home without you by my side. We should enjoy designing our home together, you know I don't want to do anything and then in the future we have to rearrange our house all over again. I'm glad we two will stay for at least a week and a half. " Katsuki said

"Yeah, your parents actually text me and said they will help us organize our house and even my family will come too if they want, if the words reach their ears because Aunt Mitsuki is the type of person to hold secrets." Izuku replied

"And that's why I never told her about my miscarriage, she and your mom are really close and it is such a sensitive topic for me and then everyone will know that the one thing that I'm suppose to do is something that I fail at. You know I can still remember the joy you had on your face when you found out I was pregnant for both pregnancies and the sadness that replace your face when both of it ended up in miscarriage. I didn't ask for us to use protection to avoid me getting pregnant, though with two miscarriages I had was like me digging myself into a mental hole. I just couldn't bear seeing you get sad over something we had no control over." Katsuki said

"I know I was sad because Katsuki let's face it, you don't like to be controlled or be told what to do and what not to do. I always research about these things especially when my ex-boyfriend also had a miscarriage. What you need to do is rest and relax and don't stress over minor stuff. All the hard work let me do and you rest. If you ever get pregnant again I will personally go to the doctor and make him place you on bed rest. I was sad, but none is sadder than the person, who carries the baby inside." Izuku stated

" got your ex-boyfriend pregnant?" Katsuki asked as he came out of Izuku hold and looked at him.

"Was that the only thing you heard from my entire conversation?" Izuku asked

"Well yeah! you didn't tell me anything about your past lovers. You know about my ex because he's your cousin." Katsuki answered

"Katsuki it was when I was 19 years old, we were young and dumb and when he got pregnant I knew I had to take responsibility, but something happened that he lost the baby. He was stress, I believe. I think it was because his brother got into an accident. we don't talk anymore and I heard from old classmates that he's married and has a kid now just like me. I am married and I care about the person I am married to, did I ever once thought about how my life would have been if the baby survived. Well for context, my parents would have made me marry to him, because they don't want a grandchildren without wedlock. My parents are very reasonable people, they don't want their grankids to be outcast if they don't have their parents together, I think that was why my mom was bullied in middle school. At the end of the day, you are my partner and Tenya doesn't look at me that way again and it is the same for me. The only person I love is Katsuki Midoriya, he is the only person that holds my heart." Izuku explained

Katsuki went and hugged Izuku, resting his head on Izuku's chest as Izuku ran his fingers between Katsuki's blonde locks.

"You know I love it when you confess your love to me, it makes you look sappy, but then I know you are my big sap." Katsuki said as he tilted his head to the back to look into Izuku green eyes.

Izuku placed a kiss on Katsuki's lips hugging the smaller tighter as he placed his chin on top of Katsuki's head.

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