Chapter 6

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Katsuki packed up the remaining of his stuff as his front door opened only to see Izuku, Shoto and Kirishima walk in.

“Are you ready to go?” Izuku asked

“Yeah, I pretty much got everything I needed, so we can go.” Katsuki answered with smile.

“Is Kami, gonna come?” Katsuki asked as he looked at his parents.

“Yeah, he said that he’s in some traffic jam.” His mom answered

“Okay.” Katsuki said as he turned back

“Katsuki…” Shoto paused

"I know Todoroki, I hope you know that I have sorta forgiven both you and Kirishima even though it sucks. I know your gonna asked if we can be friends, but I don’t want to be your friend. You’re apart of a bad memory of mines. I want to keep a distance from you and by doing that I get  to be at peace with you both, but seeing you love Kirishima will bring the old me back and I don’t want that. I am doing this for the both of us, none wants to be friends with their ex.” Katsuki said

“I know and I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve anything I did to you and I hope that you can get the happy ending you deserve.” Shoto said as he and Kirishima both left.

Kaminari came in panting as he rushed over to hug Katsuki.

“I’m going to miss you, make sure to give me a call every day.” Kaminari replied making Katsuki nod

“I’m sorry to break your sweet moment, but we need to go for our flight.” Izuku said

“Okay, I’ll call you when I arrive and please take good care of yourselves.” Katsuki replied, Izuku held onto Katsuki wheel chair and pushed him up.

Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku’s neck, who proceed to put him in the passenger seat. Katsuki’s dad placed the wheelchair at the back. Katsuki placed the small embroidered cloth on his lap that his mother sow for him.

Izuku drove the car with a speed, not too fast or too slow. The way how his hair blew between his green locks, Katsuki had to make sure his hair was tie at the back, so the wind doesn’t have his hair all over the place.

“Do you still live with your parents?” Katsuki asked

“No, I moved out and have my own apartment, remember I told you the free room I have.” Izuku answered

“Oh, now I remember, me and my bad memory.” Katsuki said

“It’s okay, but sometimes they do come pop up at my house at any random time. My mom would love to see you, but she will be sad seeing you in a wheelchair.” Izuku stated

“I know, I just want to be able to walk again.” Katsuki said and smile bitterly.

“And you will be able to walk again Katsuki, have faith in yourself because I have faith in you and I want to apologize on behalf of my cousin. I mean what he did was so wrong, this entire situation could have been handle properly.” Izuku said

“No, it was my fault, I rushed out of his apartment and I was anger and a truck came in the wrong direction and hit my car. The doctors told me I was lucky to be alive. None of us know when I’ll be able to walk again and the permanent damage is that I won’t be able to have children.” Katsuki replied as he gripped the cloth on his legs.

“Oh shit, I didn’t know, but let’s not talk about that, I will help you get the treatment you need, since you were my best friend. We will get through this together Kat. Like you said you’ve moved on from Shoto, let’s put him behind all of this. You should focus on yourself.” Izuku said as he parked his car.

“And we’ve reached.” Izuku added as he unbuckled his seatbelt and went to the trunk of his rented car. He took out the wheel chair and pushed it too Katsuki’s side of the car. He opened the door for Katsuki and took him out of the car.

Izuku strolled the wheelchair to jet that was already waiting for them.

“Are we going in this?” Katsuki asked

“Yeah, we are.” Izuku answered

“I have some luggage in the car can you please bring and can one of you also bring this wheel chair.” Izuku told the men.

Izuku took a hold of Katsuki and carry him bridal style inside as the men did what they were told.

“I’m sorry, that you have to carry me around.” Katsuki said

“No worries.” Izuku replied flashing his signature smile.

Izuku had placed Katsuki in the chair in front of him, adjusting it to Katsuki’s comfort. He saw the men came in and put up their stuff and the jet set off.

It is time for the development of our dekubaku!! 😊

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