Chapter 68

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It was day of the family trip and Kiyoshi was with all of them as Izuku took a yacht as it would be quicker to reach there. Kiyoshi had his arms wrapped around Ikuyo's neck as he played with Ikuyo's hair. They reached the beach resort and Ikuyo and Kiyoshi went to Ikuyo's respective room and change into their swimming trunks and went to the beach and saw that there were people their apart from his family.

Ikuyo went to his dad with Kiyoshi following him behind.

"Dad, I thought that it would have been just us here, who are those people?" Ikuyo asked

"Those are Kiaya and Renji's friends, who parents drop them off here." Izuku answered placing sun screen onto Katsuki's back

"Oh okay." Ikuyo said grabbing the sun screen from his dad and placing it on himself and also onto Kiyoshi and the two made their way to the crystal clear water and started splashing each other with it. Ikuyo was giggling until Kiyoshi pulled him into him and fall back into the water making Ikuyo hold his breath and the two pushed their head back up and began panting. Ikuyo placed a kiss on Kiyoshi's lips, who melted into the kiss. The two pulled away from each other.

"You make me so happy." Kiyoshi said as he wrapped his arms around Ikuyo's waist before placing his head in the crook of Ikuyo's neck

"You make me happy too." Ikuyo said as he loved to baby Kiyoshi.

It was great for everyone, but there was one problem, a guy that supposedly introduced him self as Ren, who was one of Renji friends, flirted with Kiyoshi right in front of Ikuyo, this made him livid, he didn't do nothing because he wanted to keep the peace. It was when Kiyoshi came to him and said that Ren was making him uncomfortable, so he went and told Ren about it and to stop, he said he didn't mean it and will stop.

It was time for dinner and everyone sat around this big table that was placed in the middle of the beach, they were lucky that it wasn't windy or sand would have gotten into their food. Ikuyo was eating in peace, when he noticed his boyfriend's body tense. Kiyoshi typed something into his phone and later on Ikuyo's phone vibrated and he read the message and pretend to drop his fork and he bent down and just like Kiyoshi said the fucker was rubbing his foot against Kiyoshi's leg. Ikuyo got up gaining everyone's attention from around the table, he took the jar that was filled with water and throw it onto Ren and slapped him hard across the face, this made everyone gasped.


"What do you mean?" Ren asked

"What do I mean? you are really pissing me the fuck off." Ikuyo said as he began climbing over the table to only be pulled back Kiyoshi and Izuku.

"Babe, it's okay." Kiyoshi said trying to calm his boyfriend down.

"No it is not okay, Hey Renji your friends a fucking whore!" Ikuyo yelled as he came out of both Izuku and Kiyoshi hold and turned around to walk away from the crowd with Kiyoshi following.

"You can not tell me that wasn't Katsuki's behavior." Mitsuki said breaking the silence from around the table, since everyone was still shock.

"This the first time seeing Ikuyo behave like this." Inko said and everyone agreed

Kiyoshi walked into the room and saw Ikuyo on the bed with his back faced towords him. Kiyoshi went and laid on the bed and wrapped his arms around Ikuyo's lower abdomen pulling the him closer to him.

"I'm sorry." Ikuyo said as he turned around to face Kiyoshi.

"Babe it's okay, thank you for what you did for me out there. I really appreciate it." Kiyoshi replied

"I ruined everyone's night." Ikuyo said

"No babe you did not, everyone was just shock." Kiyoshi replied and there was a knock on the door.

Kiyoshi went to the door and saw Katsuki standing there. Kiyoshi bowed and moved to the side to let Katsuki in who immediately went over to his son.

"So what made you go crazy on Ren?" Katsuki asked

"That bitch flirted with my boyfriend and Kiyoshi told me it was making him uncomfortable, so I confronted him and told him to stop. Now we were eating dinner and I saw Kiyoshi tense and he sent me a text that Ren was rubbing his feet on Kiyoshi's leg, so I pretend to drop my fork and saw that it was true and then I got mad." Ikuyo explained

"Did you know when you were in my womb, your dad hoped that you won't get my attitude. I guess he wasn't hoping enough, but anyway I did the same thing when I was married to your dad. I started a fight with you in my womb, so I don't blame you for slapping him or wanting to beat him up. You did what you had to do and for me it okay because to me you and Kiyoshi are like me and your dad. Kiyoshi is your dad and you are me." Katsuki said placing a on Ikuyo forehead before patting Kiyoshi's shoulder before leaving.

Next day came and there was no sign of Ren turns out all the adults knew what he did and his parents came to pick him up early in the morning.

Ikuyo and Kiyoshi went and have fun and when night came they both spend their night watching the stars just like Izuku and Katsuki and what Katsuki said was true, with Ikuyo and Kiyoshi, he could see himself and Izuku in them. The love the two had for each other were the same type of love Izuku had for Katsuki.

The End

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