Chapter 66

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Morining came and Izuku made breakfast for both himself and Ikuyo. Ikuyo came downstairs and sit around the table as his dad served him with his breakfast. The two ate in silence until Izuku coughed bring attention to Ikuyo.

"Ikuyo, let's talk." Izuku said

"There's not really much to talk about." Ikuyo replied shoving the pancake into his mouth.

"No baby there is." Izuku said and this gained Ikuyo's attention.

"Why didn't you tell me about how you felt?" Izuku asked

"Haven't you heard of guilt tripping people?" Ikuyo answered

"I have heard of it before, yes." Izuku said

"I didn't want to guilt-trip you into anything, so I just watched. You've never been there for me, but always there for Katsumi. I understand that it was because she was a girl and I'm a boy, but I need your love too. Everything I did was to satisfy you, but you never acknowledge me, so I stopped. I got my first boyfriend and you were the first person I want to tell and then we broke up and I couldn't even come to you. Mom is mom, he probably been through it before, but I didn't want to talk to him, I wanted to talk to you. This happen long before and the only reason why you came to me was because mom probably threaten you with divorce. When I got into the fight you start telling me my flaws instead of asking me if I was okay. It made me realized that if mom loves me then I'm okay and I don't need your love. You never come to any school events of mine, you were always busy with work, but when it comes to Katsumi somehow you aren't busy. What I'm trying to say is, I will put our difference aside for mom, you can still treasure Katsumi the most because I don't want to be blamed for my parents divorce." Ikuyo said as he drank his orange juice.

"Ikuyo, I'm sorry, I will start to change from now, can you tell me what I can do?" Izuku asked

"Friday coming is sports day and I invited mom because you would make up a bullshit of an excuse, if you come then I will try to warm up to you if you change your ways, but if you don't, forget that I'm your son." Ikuyo answered

"Aren't we going back home? we already talked out problems out." Ikuyo asked earning a nod from Izuku

"Go take a shower first." Izuku said earning a nod from Ikuyo.

"Ikuyo, hold on." Izuku said getting up going closer to Ikuyo, hugging him like it's the last hug he'll ever receive.

Izuku kissed Ikuyo forehead wiping the tears that had fallen from Ikuyo's eyes.

"I love you." Izuku said kissing Ikuyo's forehead before placing Izuku's head into his chest as the younger cried.

"You know when you cussed me out, it was as if I was seeing your mother all over again." Izuku said earnong a laugh from Ikuyo

"Go get ready, we don't want to worry your mom." Izuku added and Ikuyo came from out of his hold and the two of them went to take a shower in the respective bathroom.

The two of them got ready and left the villa and Izuku drove them home. Izuku parked his car in his driveway and both him and Ikuyo went inside to see Katsuki in the chair.

"So did you two fight it out?" Katsuki  asked

"He has to prove to me that he is worth forgiving." Ikuyo answered sitting beside his mom.

"You're like me." Katsuki said

"Dad told me the samething." Ikuyo replied

"Well I want to plan a family trip, so where do you you want to go?" Izuku asked

"The beach resort like last time." Ikuyo answered

"Why do you want to go there?" Katsuki asked making Ikuyo blushed

"Just because." Ikuyo answered

"Is there something you aren't telling us and which beach resort do you want to go to?" Izuku said

"There is this beach resort, it is very nice." Ikuyo answered

"But we have our own beach resort, you can invite a couple of your friends there and we can invite your uncles, cousins and grandparents." Katsuki said

"Okay then, I will tell them about it" Ikuyo answered

"Can you tell me when you had your first boyfriend?" Izuku asked

"When I was a freshman." Ikuyo answered

"Okay then, you are not allowed to have boyfriend until your twenty." Izuku said

"But dad, we aren't doing the dirty yet." Ikuyo said

"Oh so you have a boyfriend." Izuku said

"Not yet." Ikuyo replied

"We are just talking." Ikuyo added

"Izuku, leave him alone, he can do whatever he wants." Katsuki said

"No, I won't allowed any guy to hurt my son feelings, he is too fragile." Izuku replied

"Dad it's okay." Ikuyo stated smiling at his dad

"If you two make the next step into your relationship and become boyfriends and he hurts you, he better sleep with his eye open because no is going to give you heartbreak." Izuku said

"I know dad." Ikuyo replied

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