Chapter 46

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Izuku came out and began drying himself with the towel.

"You take too many showers." Izuku said

"It's the only way I can cool off and the only way I don't overthink too much." Katsuki said as he put on his clothes and went outside with Izuku following behind.

"I got an email pertaining our home back in Japan, we should start dressing it in our aesthetics." Katsuki added

"So Katsuki, you're moving back?" Masaru asked

"Yeah, in the next six months." Katsuki answered as he went to sit next to his dad

"That's great, we will get to see you very often."Masaru said making Katsuki nod his head

"Yeah, we just want to know what ways will we be dressing our house in. I don't want it to be too dark our to bright you know. I want it to be in the perfect aesthetics." Katsuki said

"So I was thinking of painting the house an camel color, our room will be beige and for the other rooms it will be a mocha. I had to for with neutral colors since that was more a home like color and if it needs to be changed. I know this guy, umm...what was his name again?" Katsuki said trying to remember the name of guy.

"You know a guy, how comes I don't know about this?" Izuku asked

"We've been in contact and I always talk with him. He is only one call away, but I don't remember his name." Katsuki answered

"So you've been talking to other guys?" Izuku asked feeling hurt already. He folded his arms and pouted.

"Yes, ohhh! his name is Izuku Midoriya, yeah he's going to change all the paint if the color doesn't suits the house." Katsuki answered

"Babe, that's not funny. I honestly thought that there is another guy you were talking to." Izuku said as he shifted his look away from Katsuki, he was hurt.

Katsuki got up and placed a kiss on Izuku's cheek.

"Darling, who else I will talk to or about if you are the only person that floods my mind and you're the person who is one phone call away." Katsuki said

Izuku hands were still folded and the pout still remains on his lips.

"Baby..." Katsuki said as he placed a kiss on Izuku's cheek, but Izuku still ignored him making Katsuku peppered Izuku face with more kisses

Izuku blushed and Katsuki still continued until Izuku gave in and placed a kiss on Katsuki's lips.

"You look so cute when you're mad, my cute little husband." Katsuki said as he wrapped his hands around Izuku's neck

"So, who is going to dress the house while you are here?" Inko asked

"We can make a few calls and let people renovate it into how we want, or we can take a few trips back and then do it ourselves." Izuku answered

"I think it is better for us to go back and renovate it ourselves because these days people be having sick minds and can place camera into our bedrooms or our house in general." Katsuki said

"Yeah, but I don't think we will be able to you know stay there and decorate it, it will take a lot of time and we also need to pack our stuff so the movers can take our stuff back to Japan. I personally don't want to start over, that will be more expenses on top of us and we have to consider our future as well. The house was already expensive, so I think that we should pack up some stuff so we don't do it last minute and then cancel whatever we have worked for." Izuku replied

"Honey, aren't you rich?" Inko asked her son

"It's not about me being rich, I mean our bed is still in good shape and we don't need much just a few household items and we are set. If Katsuki want to buy more things then he can buy whatever he wants. I just don't think it is necessary to spend money on things we have and that are in good shape." Izuku said

"Yeah and you know I don't always want to depend on Izuku. I have my own money as well, so if I want the house to look my way, spending a bit of money won't hurt." Katsuki replied

"Well we came here to go to our beach resort." Haishi said

"Then I hope you all enjoy your trip." Izuku said

Izu, are we going to order take out or are we going to cook?" Katsuki asked

"I'm honestly feeling for take out." Izuku answered as he looked at Katsuki

"Well, we will leave you both alone since we need to reach our resort and leave you love birds alone." Rei said as everyone began to file out. Katsuki went and locked the door and he went back and straddle over Izuku's laps.

"I'm all yours now." Katsuki said as he cupped Izuku's cheek giving Izuku a long sweet and passionate kiss.

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