Chapter 67

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The day for Iukyo's sport's day and the field was flooded with people. Ikuyo saw his mom and Katsumi, but not his dad. He but his tongue, but someone wrapped their arms around his neck. He looked and saw that it was the boy he was talking too, his crush.

"What's got you absent? I've been calling your name." He said

"My dad isn't here yet and the track field race is right after the three-legged." Ikuyo replied

"It's okay, maybe he's coming and just running a bit late, but I've been meaning to ask, we've been talking...about you, me.... us and I was wondering would  you like to be boyfriend?" He asked

"Oh Kiyoshi, I would love to be your boyfriend." Ikuyo answered making Kiyoshi smiled 

Kiyoshi hugged the shorter tight before releasing and placing a kiss on his forehead. Ikuyo melted in his hold, then his eyes caught forest green curly hair walking in the crowd. He was pleased to know that it was his dad.

"Kiyoshi, can you go wait with me family?"  Ikuyo asked earning a nod from Kiyoshi

"You're going to win this babe." Kiyoshi said said kissing Ikuyo's cheek before running off to find a seat beside  Ikuyo's family. Kiyoshi bowed at them before sitting down on the grass as he watched Ikuyo stretched.

"So, what is your deal with my son?" Izuku asked

"Oh Good day Mr. Midoriya, I'm Ikuyo's boyfriend, Kiyoshi." Kiyoshi answered

"Okay, let's make a deal, I will give you sixty million yen and you break up with my son."  Izuku said

"Izuku stop, honey he's sorry for what he said. It's very nice to meet you." Katsuki replied earning a smile from Kiyoshi

"It's also pleasing to meet you too, Ikuyo's mom." Kiyoshi said smiling

"My offers still stands." Izuku said

"Oh it still is, sixty million yen is a lot of money, however I have to decline, my family's wealth too and money can't buy the love I have for Ikuyo. However, you can give the sixty million yen to the foster homes or to charity it help those people a lot. Ikuyo and I always volunteered to help out." Kiyoshi said earning a laugh from Katsuki.

"Oh honey, you heard him money can't buy his love for our son, so let Ikuyo be happy." Katsuki said towards his husband.

The bullet with off and Ikuyo began running, he was in the lead. Kiyoshi stood up cheering for him, Ikuyo passed the finish line winning first place. Kiyoshi ran onto the track field picking Ikuyo twirling him in the air.

"You did so great baby." Kiyoshi said as Ikuyo looked down to him holding his cheeks before placing a kiss on his lips. Everyone awed and Ikuyo was all shades of red, blushing madly as he hid himself in Kiyoshi's chest.

Ikuyo received his medal, Kiyoshi took Ikuyo's hand into his and the two of them walked to the parking lot with Izuku, Katsuki and Katsumi on their tail.

"Thank you for coming out to support me." Ikuyo said

"It was nothing, I would still have come anyway." Kiyoshi replied

The driver stood by the driver's seat, waiting for Kiyoshi.

"We are planning a family trip, so I wanted to know if you like to come?" Ikuyo asked

"I would love too, but let me ask my parents first okay?" Kiyoshi answered earning a nod from Ikuyo.

"I have to get going, but I'll call you when I get home. I love you." Kiyoshi said

"I love you too." Ikuyo replied tip-toeing as he placed a kiss on Kiyoshi's lips. The two hug and Kiyoshi got into the car waving goodbye to Ikuyom who watched as his boyfriend leave.

Ikuyo turned around to see his parents and sister there waiting for him.

"What?" Ikuyo asked

"Nothing just realizing I'm getting old and my baby is getting older." Izuku answered

"Let's go home." Katsuki said and all four of them went to the car.

It was a nice drive home and when they reached home, they all went in the sofa chair.

"Well I told everyone about the trip, turns out Shoto asked if Kiaya and Renji can bring their boyfriends and Kaminari's two daughters as well." Katsuki said

"Well it's for the kids so we let us not prey into their business." Izuku replied

Ikuyo shove his phone back into his hoddie picket

"Say the one that offered my boyfriend sixty million yen to break up with me, really dad?" Ikuyo said

"Hey, I'm just looking out for you." Izuku said

"Yeah right, Kiyoshi isn't like my ex, he's different." Ikuyo replied

"If he hurts you, I swear over your great-grandmother's dead body, he won't get to see the light of the day ever again." Izuku said

"He won't." Ikuyo replied with a smile

"I'm proud of you for today's match." Izuku said

"Thanks dad." Ikuyo replied

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