Chapter 20

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For the past two weeks Izuku and Katsuki having been going great, the two will always have date nights. Katsuki still went to his doctor's appointment.

"Babe, when are you going to see your parents?" Izuku asked

"I don't know when honestly, I just want to get everything in order before going back." Katsuki answered

"You know if we are together in the long run, I can always go back to live in Japan." Izuku said

"I know, you are willing to do anything for me and that's what I love about you. I hope you don't feel as a rebound or I'm just using you. I want us both to be able to grow and live together comfortably. I want to make it known to you and to myself, that you and Todoroki are nothing alike. I get this warm feeling when you embrace me and I hope we can be happy just like we are.

We will have arguments, but that's what a relationship is about. It allows us to communicate with each other and understand each other. I love you Izuku." Katsuki said as he snuggled into Izuku.

"I want us to grow together too and I'm happy with you as well, so let's move together as lovers and partners." Izuku replied

"Yeah like the lovers we are." Katsuki said as he lifted his head and planted a kiss on Izuku's lips.

Izuku bent his neck, tasting the chocolate milk in Katsuki's mouth, the two of them pulled away for air a string of salvia connecting them both.

Katsuki crawled up to Izuku's lap, straddling over his laps. He began to slowly kiss Izuku's lips, then from his lips to his cheeks and then to his jawline and from there to his neck. Katsuki nibbled and kissed Izuku's neck leaving red marks on it.

Izuku won't deny he loved it, but he didn't want to rush into anything.

"Katsuki, baby, let's stop. We should wait until we are both ready." Izuku said

"I'm just marking my territory." Katsuki replied making Izuku chuckled

Katsuki stopped, but he still sat on Izuku's lap, rubbing Izuku's chest.

"We should book a flight to visit your parents, but in a month time that's when I'm free. Shoto and his family wants a family reunion. I will invite your parents, Kaminari and Shinso." Izuku said

"Are you sure you want to go to that? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable because Shoto's going to be there." Katsuki replied not wanting any family dispute to happen because of him.

"Kat, I want you to know that I don't care what the Todoroki's think. Yes, we are related, however we don't have that strong bond as we do. My mom and Rei talk, but it wasn't like back then. The two of them are sisters, however aunt Rei, was willing to choose Enji over my mom. The two of them only had each other left and my mom felt betrayed by what she had done.

The only reason we talk to them is because my mom doesn't want her children growing up to despise their own relatives. We put up with it for the sake of our mother." Izuku explained as Katsuki mouth made an 'O' shape.

"Well I can't say anything about it, that's a family problem as long as you don't get into trouble for doing so." Katsuki said as he put his head on Izuku's chest.

"That's why Katsuki if you have to choose between me or your family, choose your family. They're going to be the person who you will lean on the most. However, in the future, you should choose our family that we created." Izuku said planting a peck on Katsuki's forehead.

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