Chapter 38

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"Are you ready to go home?" Izuku asked

Katsuki looked at Izuku and smiled while he nodded. Izuku took a hold of Katsuki's bag and pulled him up.

"Aren't you two gonna stay?" Inko asked

"No, we're going home, however it was lovely seeing you all today and conversing with you all, but Katsuki is tired and we should leave." Izuku answered

"He can sleep in your old room." Inko suggested

"Do you want to to do that babe? or do you want to go home?" Izuku asked

"I'm fine with whatever." Katsuki said

"I'll take him to my room and when he falls asleep, I can come back down." Izuku said as he guided Katsuki to his old room.

It was very well tidy as they entered the room, Katsuki went and laid on the bed. Izuku put on the air conditioner as he also got in the bed snuggling into Katsuki, his arms draped over Katsui's waist. The two exceeding their own body heat to keep each other warm under the blanket. Katsuki turned around as he placed his face between Izuku's chest.

"Aren't you going back down to talk to your parents?" Katsuki asked

"Yeah, but I want to make sure you that you're asleep before I leave." Izuku answered

"I love you." Katsuki said as he kissed Izuku's lips.

"I love you too." Izuku replied as he pulled Katsuki closer to him.

In minutes soft snoring could be heard coming from Katsuki. He removed himself and locked the door before going downstairs as he took a seat.

"Is Kat asleep?" His mother asked

"He's sleeping." Izuku answered

"You tired him didn't you?" His dad snickered

"Oh my goodness dad." Izuku said embarrassingly

"Katsuki is always tired, he likes to stay up late and do whatever keeps his mind active. I mean he is a writer, he's been to many book publishing and he mets new people. I'm proud of him because he was very anti-social when coming here and he broke that on his own. His accomplishment were done all by himself as his husband it's good to see him blossom into the Katsuki that I love, even though I still love him when he was at his lowest. That's love you you know?" Izuku said

"I have a question and I don't want to sound offense in anyway, but what would you have done if Katsuki didn't feel the same way?" Kaminari asked

"I watched him when he was still in love with Shoto and if it wasn't me then we meet new people just that if my kids ever asked who my first love was I will definitely tell them about him, but it's different now and I will tell my kids about their mom and that loving someone is not easy. You know loving a person is like a book, with every chapter you turn to you learn something about them.

With Katsuki's and I's relationship, we don't have best friends apart from Kaminari, no one can replace the friendly love Katsuki has towards him, but we are consider as each others best friend. Like on our wedding day what we can talk about when we are alone, we talk about how we can uplift each other and we try new things each day. It is never boring in our household. When we are mad, we both soothe each other's anger. If Katsuki was to love him, I will still be that little boy cheering him on for all his accomplishment and be a shoulder for him to cry on." Izuku said whole- heartedly

"We were right, you are prefect for our little Katsuki and I hope that you two can continue with this path of loving each other. Many people don't know how to communicate their feelings and it ends in unspeakable ways, but you and Katsuki are fated, a match made in heaven. We can say this Izuku and I probably think you are tired of hearing it, but Katsuki loves you so much to the point he blushes when he speaks about you. I can't tell that your home will be filled with love and warmth especially when you have kids. Katsuki won't admit, but he's very hot-tempered and he always resort situations by beating up and I haven't heard him beat up anyone yet. I know yo two had already married, but Izuku, Katsuki is now yours and please don't take too long to create the family you both desire." Mitsuki said and a smile plastered on Izuku's face it was a smile from ear to ear. A smile he has whenever someone talks about Katsuki, a smile that everyone knows is for Katsuki.

He was ready to start their journey together and it was going to be an eventful journey.

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