Chapter 48

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Katsuki and Izuku were on the jet since the movers had already come for the stuuf and texted them a week and a half later that they were in Japan. Izuku went to his private jet so that the flight will be care and stress free. They made a safe landing and a driver was already there for them. The two placed their stuff in the trunk of the car and was set of to departure.

Katsuki texted the person that they will arrive at the house in a few minutes, he got a reply. Katsuki entwined his fingers with Izuku as the two looked at all the beautiful homes and sooner or later they arrived to theirs. Katsuki saw his parents there with a male, who he thought is the contractor. The car stopped and both Izuku and Katsuki came out and took out their luggage with the help of the driver. The two dragged their stuff with them whilst the contractor opened the door.

Katsuki and Izuku placed their luggage in the corner of their new home. It looked very spacious and was indeed fixed to both the couples liking. The person pulled out the documents and both Katsuki and Izuku read it over before signing. The person smiled before leaving.

Sooner or later all of them heard cars stopping in front of their home and they saw The Midoriya's and Todoroki's coming out with what looks like food in their hands. Izuku went to open the door and all of them ushered in.

"This is a beautiful home!" Inko exclaimed as she walked in.

"I know right, we are just waiting for the drives to come I'm sorry we don't have any chairs for you to sit on, especially for Kirishima, who's pregnant." Katsuki said as he watched them placed the food on the counter

"I mean we all can take a seat on the floor it's not going to hurt and we brought a bean bag for Kirishima to sit on." Rei said

"Is Kaminari going to come?" Katsuki asked

"I don't think so, you know he's pregnant again. I don't think Hitoshi likes the fact of him moving around when he's soon to give birth." Mitsuki said

"I mean if I was pregnant, I woudn't want to be walking around either with my overly large belly." Katsuki said as they brought the food to the ground and each took a slice of pizza.

"Kiri, I see that your baby bump is huge, when will you go into labour?" Katsuki asked

"I'm in my seventh month, since when we last met it was in my sixth month." Kirishima answered

"That means that is anytime now." Katsuki said

"Yeah, Kiaya is going to be a bigger sister soon. I wished I had an older sibling." Katsuki replied

"You were already a brat, you think we want two more." Mitsuki said

"I took your personality maybe he or she would have took dad's personality." Katsuki replied

"So is it a boy or a girl?" Katsuki asked

"It is a boy." Kirishima said as he placed his hand caressing his baby bump.

Katsuki stretched over to take more food.

"Are you eating took much?" Mitsuki asked

"I am hungry from being on the jet. I will probably fall asleep after having my stomach satisfy. People say food gives you energy, but save me because fuck, I am always sleeping." Katsuki answered

"It happens to the best of us." Izuku said as he took a bite of the pizza while taking a sip of the soda, he hand in his hands.

"So Katsuki will you be staying here, while Izuku get the company finalized?" Mitsuki asked

"No, we just came to fix up our house then we will go back and wait until he's finish and we will both come back." Katsuki answered

"Why don't you want to stay here?" Inko asked

"Because I would rather stay over there with Izuku and see him come home everyday than to stay in this empty house all alone." Katsuki answered

"Yeah, none of us can't convince him to stay especially since I can't convince him either." Izuku said drinking the soda

"What all do you have at your apartment at states?" Masaru asked

"Nothing much just some kitchen items, a big bean bag, our bed, some towels, also some bathroom items and our clothes. Everything apart from that is gone, the tv, the couch, basically everything that wasn't need." Katsuki answered

"Everything is here, when are you going to bring the bed and other stuff?" Mitsuki asked

"There is this guy that I graduated with that I got to meet in America, he said he's moving back soon and I've asked if he will be able to take soon of our stuff with him. He agreed and will take our stuff. He said he will give me a call to notify me. Shoto, I don't know if you remembered Shindo from high school." Katsuki answered

"Oh the guy that look like Izuku just that Izuku has freckles and green hair." Shoto said making Katsuki nod

"He doesn't look like Izuku though, Izuku looks more handsome." Katsuki replied

"Izuku's hair is more curlier and that boy was a hoe in high school. I mean he literally flirted with me while talking to someone else." Katsuki said

"So why are you in contact with him then?" Izuku asked as he looked at Katsuki.

"You know everyone changes, I saw him when I went to the cafe that I always go to. He has his partner, I think his name is Aoyoma, the two of them have two kids together." Katsuki answered

"And I told him that I'm married." Katsuki added with a smile

"Marriage doesn't stop people from getting in each other's pants." Izuku said

"It was dead silent, the smile from Katsuki's face dropped as he looked at Izuku shock and his face changed into sadness as his head hung low and they were interrupted by a horn from outside.

"Ummm can you guys clean up the mess? and I will help the men bring in some stuff that isn't heavy." Katsuki said and opened the door wide for the men to come through.

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