Chapter 33

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Katsuki and Izuku stood at the alter family and friends attended their wedding and it was beautiful. When Izuku proposed Katsuki was in tears, Izuku had took Katsuki out to the most fanciest restaurant in LA and he proposed. It was going to be one of Katsuki's most memorable events.

Katsuki's parents, Izuku's parents and The Todoroki's were there along with Kirishima and Shoto with their daughter. Kaminari and Shinso with their son and more invited guest.

Katsuki looked heavenly in his white suit, his hair was neatly done and Izuku fell in love with him all over again.

It was time for them to say their vows and Izuku went first.

"Katsuki Bakugo, I remembered the first day I met you, it was years ago, but I still remembered the pretty blonde, whose smile always reached from ear to ear. I remembered how you beat up those kids who picked on me and I became one of your little followers, then we became friends and then best friends. I loved  you from the start, the journey we had together, our weakness, our faults and all our flaws. I will love you for all our good and bad days. Marriage is never easy, but the love we have for each other will paint the way through all our darkness. We will fight, we will have our misunderstanding, but that will never stop me from loving you.

You were hurt before and it makes me glad that we got through that difficulty together and our relationship is stronger than ever. I will always love you Katsuki Bakugo forever and ever." Izuku vowed

Katsuki smiled ready to kiss Izuku.

"Izuku Midoriya, I will always and forever be thankful towards you  for not only loving me, but also being a person I can always rely on. You are one of kind and they way your smile makes my heart lightens. All my struggles and weakness was only beaten because of your help. I was willing to walk for you, I am willing to be your wife, I am willing to be the mother of your kids and I'm willing to love you till we are old and grey, till death do us part.

And if the multiverse is real I hope I get to be your partner in all of them and if the heaven is willing and we are granted a next life. I will most definitely, truly, honestly and completely love you first in it. Even if it takes us years to find each other, I will wait for you in our next life Izuku. I hope that any battles that comes our way, we can defeat it with our love. I will never fall in love unless it's you I fall in love with over and over again. I love you so much." Katsuki said and Izuku wiped his tears, Katsuki laughed and helped him wiped it.

"As witness hear today, with these lovely vows, do you Izuku Midoriya take Katsuki Bakugo to be your wedded wife, to love him in sickness and health, till death do you part?" The minister asked

"I do." Iuku answered

"Do you Katsuki Bakugo take Izuku Midoriya as your wedded husband to love him in sickness and health, till death do you part?" The minister asked

"I do." Katsuki answered

"As witness here today by these two young newlyweds. I will pray to the heavens that your relationship will have only good days, You may now kiss the groom." The minister declared

Izuku latched onto Katsuki's waist, Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku's neck, pulling him close to him. The two shared a long sweet kiss before pulling away. The crowd began cheering as Katsuki placed his face between Izuku's chest dying of embarrassment. Izuku laughed as he began pecking Katsuki forehead.

The two walked down the aisle and immediately went for their photoshoot. The two entered back inside and sat with their families.

"Masaru, our baby has finally gotten married" Mitsuki said as she faked sob

"Just yesterday he was learning to walk, now he's married." Masaru replied

"Oh you two stop, you're acting as if I'm never going to come back home."  Katsuki said

"I loved your vows, it really came from the heart." Enji stated

"Thank you uncle Enji." Izuku said as he placed the food in front of Katsuki.

"We might have another reunion, but we don't know when. I don't want to rush anything, you two need to settle down first. Are you considering moving back to Japan?" Rei asked

"It was a topic we both talked on, we just want to see how everything plays out first." Izuku gave a straight answer.

Katsuki nod.

"I'm really in love with Katsuki's vow, oh goodness you two deserve eachother." Kirishima said making Katsuki smiled.

Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck pulling Katsuki closer to him.

"Let's play a game with the newlyweds." Rei suggested

The two nod their heads.

"Who was the first to say I love you?" Mitsuki asked

"It was Izuku." Katsuki answered

"What is Katsuki's favourite food?" Rei asked

"Anything that is spicy, I don't know why he likes it so much but he does." Izuku answered

"What is Izuku's favourite food?" Inko asked

"Katsudon." Katsuki answered

"Who does the chores around the house?" Enji asked

"The two of us." Izuku answered

"What is something you both can talk about for hours?" Mitsuki asked

"People." Katsuki said making Izuku nod

"Oh so who do you talk about?" Masura asked

"This bitch at Izuku's work." Katsuki said and his hands flew to his mouth.

"I'm sorry for my language." Katsuki apologized

"What about this girl?" Rei asked

"It's a guy, he keeps getting to touchy with Izuku. I almost beat the hell out of him, but Izuku pulled me back from doing so. I mean how can you flirt with someone who already told he's taken. Izuku's just to nice to say harsh things, but don't worry I'm here. I will beat all their asses. That's why Izuku when people flirt with you go blind and deaf. I want to beat that person up just thinking about it." Katsuki said

"I hope when we have kids they don't take your attitude, you are like a cussing machine, our kids will fight with anyone one the block." Izuku said

"I hope they don't take yours, you're too nice people are going to take advantage of them." Katsuki argued

"Mother in law, you know when Katsuki and I got into a fight. He cussed me out with words I didn't even know existed. I was shock that I went to bed wondering about those words he just made up." Izuku said

Katsuki held both Izuku's cheek before giving it a big squeezed

"I apologized to you, I said I was sorry when we went to bed and you promised not to bring it up." Katsuki said as a blushed spread across his face, he was embarrassed.

"I'm just telling your mom, why I don't want our kids to have your attitude. It will be hard to control two people with the same attitude." Izuku replied as he leaned into Katsuki

"You're a sap you know that right?" said Katsuki

"I'm your sap though, you love it when I'm sappy and clingy." Izuku replied

"Awww you two are so adorable!" Rei exclaimed taking pictures

"So when are we going to get grandchildren?" Haishi asked and Katsuki was red like a tomato.

"W-we didn't really get into that topic yet." Katsuki stammered a bit

"I mean you two have been dating for almost three years, living together for almost four years. I mean you two most have talked about having kids." Kaminari said

"Do you want me to tell them or should you?" Izuku asked

"I'll tell them." Katsuki answered

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