Chapter 63

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Year flies fast and it was for the Midoriyas, Katsuki had given birth to a girl the year after. It was known to all, which child was Izuku's favorite, but he wouldn't tell. They went one their first family trip with the rest of the family when Ikuyo was ten and he was babied by Mitsuki and he loved it. He loved being babied by his grandmas and grandpas since he too knew who was his dad's favorite, but he didn't say. He didn't to guilt tripped his father or him being told he was paranoid that his father didn't have any favorites. His mother wasn't like his father, at least he didn't show which was his favorite or which one he loved more out of the two of them.

Katsumi, his sister, received anything she asked for, but the one time he asked to go to the amusement park, his father was suddenly busy with work, he wanted it to be a family trip, but to his unsuccess it was never negotiable. He spent most of his times with his cousins or at his grandparents and even them notice the change with Ikuyo, but didn't want to pressure the boy into telling them what was wrong. It was better that the boy tell them on his own.

Ikuyo couldn't hate his father, he tried but he couldn't dare. He had always thought parents, were entitled to have favorites, so who was he to get mad.

Ikuyo was fifteen and his sister fourteen and the favoritism still continued. He lashed out at everything and everyone, it reached a point he lashed out at Izuku for not being there for him, at their schools annual bring your dad to school day. Instead of Izuku showing up it was Katsuki instead, he was livid. Being rich, getting into a good schools, having fancy stuff, he had it all except the one thing he yearned the most for his father to acknowledge that hard work and having good grades.

It reached a point that Ikuyo didn't even care no more, he didn't care that his father had favorites, it just simply made him move on. He didn't engaged in family talks around the table, matter of fact, he spent dinner time in his room even though Katsuki asked him to join which he got a no in return.

It was the day Izuku had finally notice his and why did he noticed, it was because Ikuyo got into a fight and let's say he won. Katsumi was waiting in the car when Ikuyo and Izuku walked towards it. Katsumi was on here phone as she watched he brother with bandages around his hand.

"That must have hurt." Katsumi said

"Ikuyo, why did you get into a fight?" Izuku asked

"Just because." Ikuyo answered

"All you do is stay cooped up in your fucking room, you never want to talk to us and it is hard to even start a conversation with you. I'll let your mother deal with you when we get home. I don't want to hear you utter a word from your mouth." Izuku said as calm as possible.

Katsumi giggled in the back and boy did Ikuyo's anger boiled

The approached their home and Izuku parked in their driveway. He unbuckled his seatbelt looking at his dad.

"If anyone tells you that you're a great father, they're fucking lying because you aren't. I don't know why do you even care?" Ikuyo said getting out of the car slamming the door before going inside ignoring Katsuki calls to him. Izuku and Katsumi sit in the car stunned.

The two of them made their way inside the house, seeing Katsuki pacing around the living room.

"What happened to Ikuyo?" Katsuki asked

"We don't know, all I know he got into a fight at school and on our way home he said that I was a bad fucking father." Izuku answered, Katsuki looked at Katsumi who nod at her what her father was saying

"I'll talk to Ikuyo, food is there, help yourself to eat."   Katsuki said and made his way upstairs to Ikuyo's room

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