Chapter 59

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Katsuki looked at his mother before his hands went up to his cheeks giving it a light squeeze.

"Is it noticeable?" Katsuki asked

"Wait so you are?" Mitsuki answered

"Yeah, but how did you notice? It was hard for me to even notice." Katsuki said

"Well first is your trips to the bathroom like every few minutes, your skin is kinda pale and your boobs got a bigger." Inko explained

"And his butt got softer and tender too." Izuku said

"Izuku, they didn't need to know that." Katsuki said covering Izuku's mouths.

"So how far are you?" Mitsuki asked

"5 months in already." Katsuki answered

"5 MONTHS?!" Everyone around the table shouted

"Yeah, I didn't even know I was pregnant and that far too. The pregnancy test came out negative and I didn't think anything of it and Izuku forced me to go to the hospital thinking I had early stages of stomach cancer. The doctor told me I was pregnant through a blood test and the human chorionic gonadotropin said I was five months in." Katsuki explained

"But you don't even look like you're five months in." Kirishima said and Katsuki smiled

"I know right, it's because what I am going through right now is called cryptic pregnancy. I won't know if I am pregnant until I got to the doctors and take a blood or urine test. We even found out the gender of our baby." Katsuki said

"What is the gender?" Mitsuki asked already overwhelmed.

"It's a boy." Izuku answered

"And you kept this away from us, Katsuki this is our first grandchild." Mitsuki said

"Well we wanted you to figure out on your own beside that I had my own reason why I didn't want to tell any of you." Katsuki said

Talking about his miscarriages now had no affect on him like it did before when he was getting use to it.

Izuku nod at what Katsuki was saying.

"Mom if Dr. Roberts looked at me and told me that I need to be on bed rest for the remaining of my pregnancy then I wouldn't be here today until the next four months. I had to clarify if it was even okay for me to come back and thank the heavens I was able to come back." Katsuki said

"Why did you ask those?" Masaru asked

"Mom you remember that day when you and I went to the bathroom and you asked me what was wrong, that was because I didn't want to take the pregnancy test, I know my body. I had two miscarriages one was an incomplete pregnancy and the other was an ectopic pregnancy. I didn't want to get pregnant again, but now I am and I'm taking everything slow." Katsuki answered

"Oh we are sorry about your losses." Rei said

"It's okay, wait right here let me get the sonogram." Katsuki said as he left the table making Izuku watch his every move. Katsuki came back down with a picture frame in his hands. He gave it to his mother, who looked at the picture in awe.

"Oh he's big, he's going to show any moment now." Mitsuki said

"I know right, he has Izuku's big head." Katsuki replied

"Hey my head isn't big!" Izuku exclaimed

Everyone begin to laugh.

"Well this is a house warming party and not a gender reveal, so let's continue." Katsuki said and everyone agreed.

Mitsuki behave like Izuku watching Katsuki running around behind him, I mean who can blame her this is first grandchild.

"Mom, I'm okay, I can walk around just fine." Katsuki said reassuring his mom

"I know, but let me enjoy running behind you, I will be at this home everyday now. Oh the heavens have answered my prayers, I've been longing for a grandchild and it's a boy too." Mitsuki said holding her son's hand guiding him to couch to take a seat.

"Ikuyo has been nothing but a pain in the ass, imagine when he's born. I have to pee every minute and he's acting all mysterious and not wanting to show that he's growing and the morning sickness is worse than ever, however I don't have them to time. I get moody almost everyday, bless Izuku's heart for dealing with me." Katsuki explained and everyone looked at him.

"Well let's leave my little grandson alone." Mitsuki said as her hands went to Katsuki's flat stomach caressing it loving every moment. She was glad that Katsuki even allowed her to touch his stomach because pregnant people are very protective when it comes to their unborn child or newborn.

"Here babe." Izuku said giving Katsuki the ice cream, his mom had her hands on his stomach still.

"So Katsuki have you gotten anything for the baby yet?" Kirishima asked

"Honestly Kiri, we haven't gotten anything yet, you know since we recently found out and we were moving in and we had to make sure that everything was okay and placed in order so I haven't given much thought about it." Katsuki answered

"Well since your pregnant, let me tell you some stuff about it. You will have a high sex drive, sometimes you won't be sleepy and the doctors will tell you that having an orgasm will help, but the worse part is the breastfeeding, your nipples will be sore and numb from the constant feeding." Kirishima said

"Well we will love him no matter what." Izuku replied

"You aren't complaining because you aren't the one that will be suffering, my poor nipples." Katsuki said

"Trust me when I say, you'll get use to it." Keigo said

"Yeah, we've been through it and it's a rollercoaster, but it's worth it in the end." Kaminari said

"Just let's all pray, he doesn't get Katsuki's attitude because boy that will be hell." Izuku replied

"What's wrong with my attitude?" Katsuki asked

"A lot of things, however I hope he gets your kindness." Izuku answered

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