Chapter 60

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It was like Katsuki said, that Ikuyo will be a spoilt little brat. The amount of stuff he received and was stashed in the room that was going to be for Ikuyo was incredible. His mom came daily, helping him out while Izuku was at work. Katsuki was in his seventh months and his baby bump began to show.

Mitsuki was in love, she already planned what to do when the baby was born, she will definitely spoil him. She went in the living room giving Katsuki the bowl of spicy Katsudon and the doorbell rung. Mitsuki opened the door to see everyone from the party there.

"Mom, who is it?!" Katsuki shouted

"Izuku's family and your best friend!" Mitsuki shouted back

Everyone dismembered into the house and watched as Katsuki nibble onto his food as he watched them took a seat. Katsuki was done eating and he placed his foot on the ground and braced himself on the chair and got up as he placed his hands on his baby bump as he went to place his dish into the sink. He got out the strawberry milk and went back to take a seat in the couch.

"Katsuki, have you thought about who you want in the delivery room with you?" Inko asked

"We were talking about it and since I'm due in two months, we really don't know. Izuku was talking with one of his doctor friends and we asked how much people were allowed in the room. She said that for the regular room it's only three people that can be there. However for the VIP room, we can allowed as much people that we want, but me personally I don't want everyone to see me getting ripped while pushing a baby out." Katsuki answered

"Oh so you don't know who you want in there with you?" Inko said

"Yes, I believe who wants to come, can come, but will wait outside or whatever, but I want Aunt Inko, Uncle Haishi, my mom and dad in the delivery room with me and of course Izuku." Katsuki replied to which he had gotten a smile from Inko

"Also please don't get offend that I didn't want the rest of you in but you will be in there before and after. I just don't want anyone else see my hole." Katsuki said drinking the strawberry milk.

"Have you decorated the nursery?" Kaminari asked

"Yeah, my mom, dad and Aunt Inko have given us a lot of baby stuff and we also bought some clothes, we have the bag packed, but we bought two baby cribs because Izuku wanted the baby to sleep in our room when he is born." Katsuki answered

"Can we see how the nursery looks like?" Kaminari asked and Katsuki nod

The front door opened and Izuku walked in.

"You're home early." Katsuki said making Izuku go over to him pulling him up.

"You must really regret telling Ikuyo to stop being mysterious." Izuku snickered

"Oh shut up, they want to see the nursery." Katsuki said

"Oh, Katsuki decorated the nursery by himself." Izuku said proudly

Everyone was in awe when they saw the nursery.

"Kat, you did this all by yourself?" Kirishima asked

"Yeah." Katsuki said

"It looks heavenly." Kaminari said

"Izuku helped too." Katsuki said

"Now back to you, why did you come home so early?" Katsuki asked

"I wanted to make sure everything was okay with you home, your mom is a great help looking after you." Izuku answered

"So are you going back?" Katsuki asked

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure everything with you is okay. I'm on my lunch break." Izuku said as he caress Katsuki's baby bump.

"I can feel him kicking." Izuku said

"When he does that I have to cross my legs because I will pee myself. Everytime he knows you're here he kicks and kicks." Katsuki replied

"He misses me." Izuku said

"Next time I'm gonna get you pregnant and make you feel how it feels to carry what feels like a watermelon on your belly." Katsuki replied

"Mother in law, do you want to hear a funny story about what Katsuki did?" Izuku asked

"You promise you wouldn't tell anyone Izuku." Katsuki answered

"You threatened me with being pregnant." Izuku said

"I'm sorry, please don't tell anyone." Katsuki replied

"What did Katsuki do?" Mitsuki asked

"I think we need to sit down to listen to this." Izuku answered

"Baby you promised me, you wouldn't tell." Katsuki said

"C'mon let's make them laugh." Izuku said

"No I will get scold." Katsuki replied as all of them sit back down in the chair.

"Tell us what Katsuki did." Masaru said

"Okay since everyone is seated let me continue." Izuku said before getting interrupted by Katsuki

"Babe please." Katsuki begged

"It was two days ago and Katsuki wanted to tag along with me, so I did my usual work out. Katsuki was on the bench waiting for me to be over with, but I was approached by this guy. He was all flirty and it seemed to catch Katsuki's attention and he came over. I will admit the guy was all touchy and he touched my biceps. Katsuki was mad and he cuss the guy out and the guy called him a baby making machine and a shamu. Katsuki got mad that he almost started a fight with his pregnant belly. He kicked the guy in the gut and that was when I picked him and we went home." Izuku said

"He cried all the way home." Izuku added

"You said you wouldn't tell." Katsuki sniffed

"He was right telling us what you did Katsuki you and the baby could have been hurt, starting a fight knowing damn well you are pregnant. You would have regret what you've done." Mitsuki scolded her son

Katsuki wipe the tears from his eyes and glared at Izuku, who stuck his tongue out.

"Mom, Izuku is teasing me." Katsuki cried

Izuku laughed and wrapped his hand around Katsuki's waist.

"Baby, I'm sorry." Izuku said

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone, you're mean to me." Katsuki stated

"Baby, it was funny." Izuku said placing a kiss on Katsuki's lips, who turned his head avoiding the kiss.

Izuku stood up and looked at the time.

"Well I guess I better go back to work." Izuku said and left

"Katsuki you need to be careful and not think with your butt sometimes. What will you do if the baby got hurt?" Mitsuki said

Katsuki shrug.

"I don't need anymore scolding, Izuku already did enough of that." Katsuki said and laid back in the couch.

It was late and Mitsuki had already put Katsuki to bed before leaving with her husband. Minutes after Izuku walked in and immediately went to take a shower before cuddling up to Katsuki.

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