Chapter 64

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Katsuki knocked on the Ikuyo's door and the shuffling stop. Ikuyo opened the door to see Katsuki there at his door. He wiped his tears from his eyes.

"Can I come in?" Katsuki asked and Ikuyo moved to let his mom come in.

Katsuki sat in the chair that was around the work table.

"So mind telling me what happened?" Katsuki asked

"I got into a fight at school." Ikuyo asked

"Now I'm going to ask you a question and you must answer it honestly." Katsuki said making Ikuyo nod.

"Did you win?" Katsuki asked

"Yeah." Ikuyo answered with a giggle

Katsuki smiled.

"Now tell me why did you get into a fight?" Katsuki asked

"It was because of this kid at school, he's bigger than me and always pick on me because I'm shorter and I always ignored him, but today he told me that my dad doesn't love me and my anger boiled because what he said was true. Dad doesn't care about me mom and it happened way before I turned fifteen. Everyone knows and see it, that dad's favorite is Katsumi and it made me overthink till I reached a point that maybe it is because I looked like him. Dad doesn't come to none of my school events, but he is always there for Katsumi. I remembered getting my first boyfriend and wanting to tell him, but he's always about Katsumi. I broke up with the boy and we never spoke again, but he also made me realized that I should stop living for dad and for myself. You were always there for me, every events, our annual bring your dad to school day, you came instead of that and it reached to a point where I don't even expect him to be at anything, no Christmas parties, no halloween events, nothing.

I always wanted to talk to him about it, but he will deny it. I mean hell Katsumi is probably your favorite too, but you don't show it. I begged to death or I wished to be in a family where I didn't know who were my parents' favorite. I wanted to be in a family where I could received both my parents' love. I jealous cousin Renji, Kiaya and Samuru, Uncle Ei and Uncle Sho loves them just same." Ikuyo cried

It broke Katsuki to see his son crying over something like this, He got up and hug his son, who wrapped his arms around his waist and cried into Katsuki's chest.

"Ikuyo, I know it hurts and I will talk to your dad about it. I have told him numerous of time to treat you both equally, but your dad has a hard head and he doesn't like to listen to me, but will only listen when the problem gets worse. However, I love you and I want you to know that. I do have favorites and just so you know it's not Katsumi. I love each of you the same, but there is always a child who surpass everything and that was you. You do good in school, get good grades and the kindness you have for people is beyond extraordinary and it makes me glad that you have been brought up into the young man you are now. So I am asking you is there anything you want to do?" Katsuki said making Ikuyo looked up at him.

"I want to spend the weekend at grandpa and grandma Bakugou." Ikuyo said making Katsuki place a kiss on his forehead

"Since it's Friday start packing, I will drop you there tonight just let me text them in advance, okay?" Katsuki said earning a nod from Ikuyo who began packing his clothes.

Katsuki looked towards Ikuyo, who had on his bag and was ready to go. The two of them walked downstairs gaining the attention from both Katsumi and Izuku.

"Mom, where is Ikuyo going?" Katsumi asked as she watched her brother walked through the door.

"Ikuyo, said he wanted to spend the weekend at his grandparents house. When I came back Katsumi you better be in bed and Izuku we need to talk." Katsuki said grabbing his keys from his holder and leaving.

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