Chapter 58

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The doorbell rung and Izuku went to open the door to see Shinso and Kaminari there with their daughters. Minuted passed and it was the Midoriya's and the Todoroki's.

Mitsuki came for the newborn in Kaminari's hand and Kaminari went and hug Katsuki.

"I'm glad you came back, it was honestly annoying conversing with you over the phone." Kaminari said

"I know right, but I'm glad getting my own home now." Katsuki replied

"Having two kids to take care of is really hard. Khai has the bigger sister mode going on and now everything she come back from kindergarten she expects to Mika to be there waiting for her to be pampered." Kaminari said

"At least when she gets older Khai will be protecting Mika." Katsuki replied

"I know it kinda cute tho, I wished I had a big brother or sister." Kaminari said

"I know, but Mitsuki Bakugou didn't want anymore kids." Katsuki replied

"Hey! I told you that you were a pain in the butt and I didn't want anymore." Mitsuki said

"Am I dreaming? my mom didn't say a bad word since she arrived." Katsuki sid utterly shock.

"There are children around and we don't want the grow up the way to did." Mitsuki replied

"I'm perfectly fine, right Izuku?" Katsuki asked

"Of course you are honey." Izuku answered

"When men are in marriage they make their spouse feels assured, so Izuku, hun don't go lying to him." Mitsuki said

"Well everyone please make yourselves at home, I need to use the bathroom." Katsuki said and Izuku watched as he left.

When Katsuki came back down everyone had beers in their hands and he pouted. He know it was not safe to drink beers whilst pregnant, but on beer won't hurt and he could even get to take one in secret because Izuku was like a surveillance camera watching his every move.

"Babe, is there something wrong?" Izuku asked as he went closer to Katsuki.

Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku's torso.

"Babe, are you sure I can't drink at least one beer?" Katsuki asked

"Baby, I know it is hard for you to want something and not get it and I did some research and it said that it is not safe for you to consume any sort of alcohol while being pregnant." Izuku answered making Katsuki shove his face into the other's chest.

"Okay baby." Katsuki said and went to the fridge and got himself a soda.

"Thank you for listening to me baby." Izuku said

Katsuki went back to the crowd and sat beside his mother, who was with child after child.

"You like holding children don't you?" Katsuki asked

"Well I love small kids." Mitsuki answered

"Then pamper me." Katsuki said

"Are you jealous?" Mitsuki asked with a smirk on her face

"Yes I am, I am your son, hold me mom." Katsuki answered

Kirishima came for his son and Mitsuki pampered Katsuki, who loved getting attention from his mom.

Inko on the other hand watched Katsuki analyzing his behavior.

"Kat, I heard from Izuku that you cooked the food." Tomura said

"Yeah I did, I don't know if it is okay though." Katsuki replied

"It is the curry taste delicious." Haishi said

"Then that's good then." Katsuki replied coming out of his mom's hold

He walked pass Izuku, who held on his wrist.

"Where are you going?" Izuku asked

"To the bathroom, my bladders about to burst, it's lunch time give our guest food." Katsuki answered as he went to the bathroom.

Everything about his pregnancy is fine, he has morning sickness, but not regularly. What he hated though was the constant trips to the bathroom to empty his bladder.

Katsuki freshened himself up before going back downstairs and he saw everyone sitting around the table he went and took his seat beside Izuku, who looked at him and nod towards those of around the table. Katsuki looked at him weird.

"Katsuki, we were talking when you went to the bathroom and we wanted to verify one thing." Mitsuki said

"What is it?" Katsuki asked

"Inko and I were talking and we both agreed on somethings, brat are you pregnant?" Mitsuki asked

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