Chapter 10

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Katsuki and Izuku were getting along perfectly fine both did chores together as if they were a young married  couple. Kaminari and Shinso had gotten married, Katsuki was on a video call watching the entire thing turns out Shoto and Kirishima were also there. Kaminari talked for hours on the phone with Katsuki and Katsuki showing him around with the help of Izuku. Katsuki would have gotten little glimpse of Kirishima and Shoto. Kaminari gave back the phone to Mitsuki, who talked to her son and listening to to her son's adventure while being elsewhere.

The two talked till the wedding was almost over, He was telling his mother when his rehabilitation started. who was his personal doctor, all with the help of Izuku. His mother thanked Izuku that was beside Katsuki. The call ended making Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other. 

"Well that was quite an eventful call, is there anything you want to do?" Izuku asked

"Can you order the hamburger from that place again? It tasted so delicious." Katsuki answered making Izuku grab his phone.

Izuku placed the order for the both of them and looked for a movie for both to watch.

It was now one month and two weeks since Katsuki has been here and did he regret coming here? No, he did not, though he found out that some American people can be rude or very much racist, but he blended in well due to his shoulder length blonde hair. He had to adjust to things such as getting around with Izuku's help which was hard at first, but practice makes perfect.

"So how is everything going with the rehabilitation?" Izuku asked breaking the silence between them.

"It's going okay, but you know the random pain I will get and you have to massage it away for me." Katsuki answered

"I know, that's I'm glad you didn't cancel it yet." Izuku said

"The pain ease with the massage, I just need to get use to the new life style because there is a possibility I may never walk again." Katsuki replied

"What you don't need is negativity, we don't need that. Just like you told me, there is going to be a person who you will be willing to walk for and I hope you will find that person."  Izuku said

"It's good that I have such a positivity energy exceeding from you." Katsuki stated

"I want to be there for you Kat, because I see the potential in you to walk again." Izuku said

"I like having you around, it gives me comfort." Katsuki said shedding away from Izuku, his ears began to turn bright red that Izuku didn't missed. Izuku smiled contentedly.

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