Chapter 15

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Katsuki was home alone since Izuku had to do an errand, He was busy watching tv, that he didn't even realize people had enter the home.

"Excuse me?" A voice said making him whip his head to the back, he strolled his wheelchair to them and smiled.

"Hi Aunt Inko and Uncle Haishi, it's nice meeting you both." Katsuki said

"It's nice to meet you too, where is Izuku?" She asked

"He went out to do an errand a while ago. I hope you don't see me as a bother. Izuku offered to help me with my rehabilitation and therapy." Katsuki said as he fondled with his fingers.

"No, it's okay Katsuki. I hope he isn't giving you trouble." Inko replied

"He isn't, I'm the one who gives him all the trouble, I'm very thankful for him." Katsuki said making Inko and Haishi smile.

"So, let's talk." Inko said as she went to the kitchen.

Katsuki strolled behind her and watched as she sat around the table.

"I heard what happened to you from your parents and since we are related to the Todoroki's, I want to apologize for my nephew's bad behavior. He did so many bad things to you from causing your accident to inviting you to his wedding. Shoto has no remorse for what he did and I want you to lean on us. I want us to help you." Inko said as he took Katsuki's hand into hers.

"Auntie, I'm doing fine thanks to Izuku, he keeps my mind occupied." Katsuki replied

"Then I hope you can lean on Izuku more." Inko said

"He's already doing a lot for me and I appreciate him enough." Katsuki stated

"Then I'm glad." Inko said and smiled at him

"We won't come to intervene between you two again, this is your personal space, so we need to respect that." Inko added

"You can come, I don't mind." Katsuki said

"I wish for a speed recovery and for you to be happy once again. Just like the little Katsuki I remembered. Such a cheerful child." Inko replied

The front door opened and Izuku walked in with stuffs in his hands.

"When did you guys arrived?" He asked setting his stuff onto the counter before going over placing a kiss on his mother's cheek.

"I was just keeping Katsuki occupied for a while." Inko said making Katsuki nod.

"Okay then." Izuku replied

Izuku's parents and brother left, bidding their goodbyes to the two. Izuku and Katsuki both left to go to bed in their separate rooms. The two tell each other goodnight before closing their doors, both of their hearts beating for each other.

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