Chapter 52

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The doorbell could be heard from all the way in the room and this made Katsuki stir in Izuku's hold. Izuku went downstairs after putting on a decent shirt and pants. He opened the door to see everyone at the doorstep. Izuku gave them more room as all of the walked in.

"Your house looks amazing already." His dad said

"Thank you, please take a seat." Izuku said scratching his hair.

"Where is Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked

"Katsuki's asleep." Izuku answered

"You know what time it is, it's eleven o'clock and he is still sleeping." Mitsuki said as she took a seat in the couch.

"He's been up decorating the house, you know how Katsuki is he doesn't like things out of place." Izuku replied as he got out a bottle water from the bunch.

Izuku went on his phone.

"Mom, can I borrow the car? I want to buy breakfast for Katsuki." Izuku said

His mom went in her purse and got out the car key before handing it to Izuku. Izuku put on his shoes and left. He stopped at a small restaurant and both two small bowls of porridge and some breadsticks along with two iced tea. He placed the food in the passenger seat and made his way back home. He opened the front door and placed the food on the table.

"Katsuki, isn't awake yet?" He asked

"Nope, he's still asleep." Mitsuki answered

Izuku went upstairs and shook Katsuki until his eyes fluttered open.

"Baby, it's time to get up. I bought you breakfast." Izuku said as Katsuki sat up.

"Izuku, I'm tired really tired, you went hard on me yesterday." Katsuki said groggily as Izuku helped him to his feet.

Katsuki went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, Izuku leaned against the door watching Katsuki brushed his teeth. He saw that Katsuki's neck was littered with hickeys.

"Let's go before the food get cold." Izuku said as he took Katsuki's hand into his.

"The room smells really nice." Katsuki said

"It's one of the scented candles we bought." Izuku said as the two made their way downstairs.

Izuku placed Katsuki around the table and gave him the bowl of porridge and breadstick with the iced-coffee.

Katsuki began eating as his mind became absent, Izuku was done eating as he went and disposed of his garbage and left Katsuki around the table to eat.

"Izuku have you seen my phone?" Katsuki asked

Izuku went upstair and got Katsuki phone giving it to him.

Katsuki was done eating and he was on his phone scrolling through it to see if he had any unread messages. He only got a few from Kaminari, apologizing for not helping him with the new house, to which Katsuki replied that it was okay and it was understandable.

Katsuki went in the living room and sat beside Izuku.

" Oh I just remembered that we will be having a house warming party when we get back and everything is settled." Katsuki said

"I need to get back onto my fucking cooking skill." Katsuki added

"I haven't tasted your cooking in so long." Mitsuki exaggerated

The day went out very eventful and pleasing to everyone.

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