isaac lahey | not drunk enough for this

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ok gotta say before i start... HOLY CRAP YALL! IT'S BEEN FOREVER! and this book is almost at 700k reads.. SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND READS?! that is freaking incredible. 


It was your weekly movie night at Stiles's house and you two broke into his dads secret stash of liquor. This made Stiles's choice in movies a little less intolerable. 

As you two watched "Star Wars" for the millionth time, there was a knock on the door. 

"Ugh who's that?!" Stiles exclaimed. You went to get the door, revealing Scott.

"Hey, Y/N, I'm sorry to interrupt your movie night but-" Scott cut off when he looked behind you and saw Stiles laying upside down on the couch, trying to reach his feet. "Is he drunk?" Scott questioned.

"He's been drinking since three, what do you think?" You responded. "Is everything ok? You seem tense." 

"I have something to show you." Scott moved aside, and then you saw his outline. 

"Oh hell no." You mumbled. 

"Hi Y/N." 

Isaac stood in front of you, gazing at how amazing you looked. The same Isaac that left you and your solid relationship when Allison died without a word. The same Isaac that punched your abusive dad in the face to protect you. The same Isaac that you gave everything to, who you were deeply in love with. The same Isaac that broke your heart in ways you didn't think were possible. 

"I am not drunk enough for this." You said, wide eyed and turned around as fast as you could to the kitchen. 

"Y/N, wait!" Isaac followed you into the kicthen where you were pouring yourself some more wine. "Since when do you drink?" He questioned.

"Since you." You replied vaguely. 

Isaac stood there with guilt on his face. He felt awful about leaving you the way he did. 

"I wrote you letters. Almost everyday. But I never sent them. I kept up with social media. You seemed happy without me. I didn't want to ruin your life more than I already did."

"Did those letters contain an apology?" You asked Isaac, looking into his eyes.

"Every single one of them."

"Then you should've sent them. All I needed from you was an apology and an explaination, Isaac. I could've handled you breaking up with me, leaving, but I couldn't handle the way you did it. Why did you leave without a single word? Did I seriously mean that little to you? After everything we have been through?" Tears slipped from your eyes. 

"That was the reason I couldn't say anything. Because you mean everything. How could I possibly say goodbye to you?"

"I ask myself that everyday." 

You both stood there in silence for a few minutes. 

"Please let me fix this. Fix us." Isaac was now standing in front of you. His gorgeous blue eyes looking into yours. "Say the word and I'm gone. I know what I put you through, but I'm asking you to give me another chance. If you can't, I understand."

Every part of you wanted to tell him to screw off and never talk to you again, but you couldn't do that. You needed Isaac in your life. Things weren't the same without him. 

"I'm defiently not drunk enough for this." You both started laughing, and you looked up and smiled at him. "Leave me again and this time I'll just track you down and kill you." You threatened. 

"I promise I won't ever do that to you again." 

Isaac grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss you have been craving since the day he left. 

"Gosh Y/N you are such a sap! I knew you'd go back to him." You and Isaac broke apart when you heard Stiles's voice. You both turned around to see him and Scott peaking into the kitchen. Stiles walked in and stood in front of Isaac. "I'll kick your stupid werewolf ASS if you hurt her again, GOT IT?" Stiles was now in his face, and you all were just laughing at him. You grabbed his shoulders and started leading him away.

"Let's get you into a cold shower, huh? I'll make some coffee too." You said, walking out of the kitchen. 

"Thanks mom." Stiles responded. 

Isaac smiled as he watched you lead Stiles upstairs. 

"I still hate you for everything, but I'm glad to have you back." Scott said, putting his hand on Isaac's shoulder.

"Me too." 


ok kinda didnt know where that was going but it's still cute. please give me suggestions and requests because it's been a while lol. i need to rewatch teen wolf for the millionth time before the movie too! MAKE SURE TO VOTE! 

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