stiles stilinski | you still love me right?

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requested by: catfigas


You and Stiles had been dating for years, and he still managed to get jealous anytime a guy looked your way. 

"Y/N, Isaac is looking at you." Stiles told you while you all were at Scott's for a pack meeting. 

"He's allowed to look at me Stiles." You said, smiling. Stiles gave Isaac a dirty look, and put his arm around you. You laughed, since you were used to him doing this. 

"You still love me right?" Stiles whispered in your ear. You rolled your eyes and smiled. 

"Yes, I am still madly in love with you." You responded, looking into his eyes.


You all finished up your meeting, and Stiles drove you to your house.

"Are you ever going to stop getting so jealous when guys look at me?" You asked your boyfriend as you were pulling into your driveway. Stiles turned the jeep off and looked at you. 

"You're my world, and I just don't want to lose you."

"You're never going to lose me." You pulled Stiles in for a kiss, running your fingers through his hair. You broke away and looked into his eyes. "My parents won't be back until tomorrow. Do you want to go inside and I can remind you how I'm only yours?" Stiles face lit up, and he jumped out of the jeep. You laughed at his reaction.

Before you could even open your door, Stiles was there. He picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and him carrying you into your house.  

You opened the door, and Stiles quickly closed it as you got inside. He held you against the door, still carrying you. His lips immediately found yours, and you ran your fingers through his hair once more. 

Stiles carried you to your room, which was down the hall. He closed your bedroom door, and laid you down on your bed. 

"Someone's eager." You said, smirking. 

"Hell yes."

Stiles threw off his shirt, and climbed on top of you. He took your shirt off too, and began kissing your body. 

You flipped over, where you were on top. You began kissing his body, and then made your way back to his lips. You broke away, and looked at Stiles. 

"I am all yours, and I love YOU. Ok?" Stiles aggressively pulled you in for a passionate kiss, then broke away after a few seconds. 



You woke up at about four in the morning, in Stiles' arms. You smiled as you looked at him, peacefully asleep. You kissed his forehead, which made him stir. 

"You're the best." Stiles mumbled. You giggled. "Can we get married already?" Stiles questioned.

"You're always so dramatic." You told him, laughing. 

"You call it being dramatic, I call it being cute."

"I don't think cute is the word, you're more-" Stiles cut you off by kissing your lips softly. 

"Goodnight beautiful."

"Was that your way of telling me to shut up?" 

"Mhm." Stiles mumbled, snuggling into your shoulder. You laughed, and wrapped your arms tighter around him.

"I love you." You whispered, but Stiles already fell back to sleep. 

Moments like those were the ones you loved, and the ones that made you realize you were going to spend the rest of your life with him,


i hope y'all enjoy !! i thought this one was cute!

make sure to vote!!

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